Each data set reflects the latest available QNHS data through Q3 2009 and each is presented in two charts - full history and a snapshot of the crisis dynamics since 2007.
First the unemployment rates

Take a look at a closer time frame, relating to the current crisis:

The chart above also hints at something more disturbing here. Recall that early rounds of layoffs impacted predominantly construction sector and associated services. Well, look at Midlands and South-East. It does appear that the two regions were experiencing significantly faster rates of jobs losses in the early parts of the crisis than any other region.
One wonders what is the exact distribution of jobs in the country relative to places of residence. This, of course, is a long running question that CSO is refusing to ask on QNHS. What trouble can there be, folks, in asking a recipient to state where they physically work. It would tell us a lot about people's commuting patterns (helping to better plan transport systems) and about where people are actually employed (helping us to better plan associated business services provisions). But no - CSO staunchly refuses to ask. Why? Because the state is most likely unwilling to admit that the National Spatial Strategy and the IDA/EI mandates to produce jobs for regions is failing. Ireland has natural hubs of jobs and jobs creation potential - Greater Dublin area, Cork area, Galway-Limerick area. This is where jobs concentrate and where companies want to be. So how about a challenge to CSO - ask an important question, will you? Have some gumption...
Back to data: labour force participation rates next

Another disturbing realization on the foot of the above charts is that regions with lowest participation rates also tend to be regions with higher unemployment. This is important because it signals that even in a small country like Ireland, mobility between residential location and work location is still restricted (by distance, lack of proper roads, transport shortages etc). It also suggests that in the long run, areas with higher unemployment tend to become traps for non-participation in labour force. The vicious spiral of being jobless in an area with no jobs creation leads to becoming disillusioned and dropping out of the work force for good.
And this implies higher rates of overall dependency. Remember - these are numbers for able bodied adults. So if we take the rate of unemployed and add to it the rate of those who are not in the labour force, we get a proportion of population that needs someone else to work for them to sustain themselves. Now, a caveat here - of course some of those who are not in labour force are gainfully engaged in work at homes - non-market activities that are productive and include, among other very important ones, like carrying for the elderly or ill, raising children etc. These, however, are not the majority in these numbers. Nor are they likely to be distributed predominantly into higher dependency areas of the country. So conclusions presented below stand:

1 comment:
A rural to urban migration is ongoing in ireland for as long as I remember. When my brothers and sister moved to Dublin and UK that leaves my parents and me at home.
With 1 parent retired that leaves a dependency ratio of 2:1 geographically but for the entire family it is 6:1. If we had been born a Dublin family that ratio would be 5:1 geographically.
Your point that dublin is the economic hub of the country is correct but I'm not sure how meaningful the dependency ratio assertion is - surely in the main it is just a function of the rural to urban migration.
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