Before the updated charts, from the first reading of the figures, it is patently obvious that
- while the expenditure side of the Exchequer balance remains barely on target - only 0.5% below the supplementary Budget 2009 estimates (with current expenditure running 0.6% below April 2009 budgeted levels, while capital spending running 0.3% ahead);
- the receipts side continues downward trend: despite an improvement in the shortfall registered in November 2009, December figures still represent the second worst month in 2009.
Now, charts to illustrate:

CGT is shorting the target again after improvement in November. Capital acquisition tax is down for the second month running. Customs show very shallow upturn - most likely due to motor imports flowing to restock for New Year and some replenishment of supplies on alcohol, tobacco and food for Christmas season end.
Year-on-year changes: corpo tax has fallen precipitously and is staying relatively flat now. Total tax is barely up relative to 2008 dynamics, but still below 2008 levels by double digit percentage - it was down 20.8% in November and now improved to down to 19% in December - in yoy terms - the second worst performance in the H2 2009 (it was down massive 21% in May).

Next, Exchequer deficit - still wider than annual average, though slightly better than in November. The gap between end-2008 borrowing position and today is €6bn - more Bonds! and Pints! for Q1 2010, then.

Now, expenditure v receipts dynamics for 2009 and 2008:

Slight catching up with 2008 in terms of spending in the last month of the year is still not enough to bring spending down to 2008 level. All in (capital and current spending added), the Exchequer burned through an impressive €60 billion in 2009 - up from hardly insignificant €55.7 billion in 2008. But on receipts side, no improvement is visible. Actually matters are getting worse, with total 2009 receipts (capital and current) adding to less than €35.3bn while 2008 receipts came in at €43.1 billion.
Total tax receipts are now at €33.4 billion. Now, that is - oh miracle! - bang on with Budget 2010 estimate. DofF also predicted a General Gov Balance of €25.261 billion and it came in at €24.641 billion, or €620 million short of the 'forecast'.
Are we supposed to be impressed? Not really - these 'forecasts' were made less than a month ahead of the Christmas break. When one looks back -
- in April 2009DofF forecast a deficit of €20.35 billion. My forecast was €23.35-24.225 billion (see here)
- in February 2009 (here) DofF projected "budgeted expenditure to be in the region of €49bn and receipts in the region of €37.7bn" and deficit of €17.98bn. My forecast then suggested that exchequer tax receipts will add up to €33.6bn for 2009 for a General Gov deficit of €23bn.
Their and my error margins for 2009 Deficit estimates are:
- Dof F: 17.4% miss in April and 27.03% miss in February;
- my: 1.69% miss in April and 6.65% miss in February.

PS: Amidst all this talk from banks and brokerage economists about 'improving' Exchequer outlook based on 'too pessimistic DofF projections', my fear is that the Government is being prepped by the DofF (via severe overshooting in the Budget 2010 forecasts) to claw back on some of the cuts planned for 2011. In other words, the DofF might be readying to make a call in the beginning of H2 2010 to cull the cuts if returns shows 'improvements' on its own excessively pessimistic forecast targets. Then again, they might be not pessimistic enough...
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