Thursday, January 2, 2014

2/1/2014: Risk, Regulation, Financial Crises: A Panacea Worse than the Disease?

An interesting - both challenging and revealing - piece on 'preventing the future crisis' via

Few points worth commenting on:

Per article: "…Record investment management industry profits as well as record market highs belie the fact we remain truly exposed to complex financial products and services not yet fully restrained since the crisis of 2008." As a logical conclusion to this, of the "three things in particular should concern all of us who are stakeholders in the finance industry as we move into the new year" the first one is:

"…complacency that another crisis can't happen because we have fixed the gaps in regulation."

So far nothing to argue with. Financial innovation (aka a path of increasing complexity) remains the main source of margins uplift in the industry. As long as that is the case, we are going to have less transparency, lower capacity to price risks and, as the result, greater fragility of the system, especially with respect to tail events.

"Nothing could be further from reality and the list of unfinished regulatory business is long. " And the article rolls on with a brief list of reforms and changes yet to take place. Alas, desired or not, these changes are hardly going to bring about any significant change in the way the sector operates. The irony is: the article warns against complacency and then complacently assumes (or even postulates - take your pick) that implementing the list of regulations and reforms supplied will resolve the problem of 'gaps in regulation'.

Really? Now, wait a second. We have a problem of 2 parts:
Part 1: complexity of system is high.
Part 2: complexity of regulation lagging complexity of system.

Matching Part 1 to Part 2 by raising complexity of regulation can only address the problem of risk buildup if and only if Part 1 is independent of Part 2. Otherwise, rising complexity in 2 can lead to rising complexity in 1 and a race in complexity.

Still with me? That is a major problem of the financial system as we know it since at least 19th century. The problem is that rising complexity of regulation is driving financial innovation probably as much as the need for higher margins. The race to match Part 1 and Part 2 above is a loss-making game for regulators, and thus, for economies at large.

If that is at least partially true, the argument should not be about regulations that are yet to be implemented, but rather about which regulations can help reducing complexity (and increase risk management effectiveness) in both Parts 1 and 2. We are still missing that argument, having departed firmly on the path of reasoning that suggests that higher complexity of regulation = higher system ability to absorb shocks. More dangerously, we are seemingly traveling along the line of logic that suggests that higher complexity of regulation = higher ability of system to 'prevent' shocks.

The article goes on to list another major source of risk: "investment management industry overconfidence that it is back in control". Specifically, "We in the industry perceive ourselves as having rectified our inability to see building counterparty, leverage and liquidity risks, masked through Federal Reserve policy by the unorthodox government support of financial markets and the nearly 10,000-point move in the Dow Jones industrial average since the financial crisis."

In reality, "Systemic risks are still building, undetected. Transparency is not increasing and the unwillingness or inability to remove government support in the markets is unprecedented."

Guess what? If you assume that more regulation + more complex regulation = better risk management, you are going to become complacent and you are going to get a false sense of security, control. This brings us back to the first point above.

And now to the non-point point number 3: "Finally, we in the investment management profession seem totally nonchalant about the current state of our existing regulatory system. It is alarmingly outdated, under-resourced and no match for the complexity of markets in the 21st century. To be clear, we are not talking about the new regulations addressing the crisis, rather the basic requirements of our present regulatory structure."

Back to point one above, then, again…

The reason I am commenting on this article is precisely because it embodies the very poor logical reasoning that is leading us to structure regulatory responses to the crisis in such a way that it will assure the emergence of a new crisis. But the real kicker is not that. The real kicker is that the very belief that regulatory system based on matching complexity of regulated services can ever be calibrated well-enough to assure stability of the system is a belief suffering from gross over-extension of faith.

A constant race to increase complexity of the system will lead to system collapse. 

2/1/2014: Manufacturing PMI for Ireland: December 2013

Manufacturing PMI is out for Ireland today, per Markit/Investec release: "The Irish manufacturing sector ended 2013 on a positive note as growth of output and new orders gained momentum in December. Meanwhile, the current sequence of job creation was extended to seven months. On the price front, input cost inflation picked up slightly while firms raised their output prices for the fourth month running."

Please note: since Markit/Investec no longer release actual numbers for subindices (e.g. employment or orders or export orders, etc), we have to take these claims on faith. For example, the release claims increased export orders from China as one of the drivers of the new business improvement. Yet Irish exports to China are low and it is hard to see how this source of uplift can register as a driver in the overall data, unless the survey participation is severely skewed toward some specific MNCs with remaining significant exposure to exports to China.

Note: Good exports to China from Ireland in January-October 2013 stood at a miserly EUR1.642 billion, down from EUR1.885 billion recorded in the same period of 2012 and representing just 2.26% of our total goods exports in January-October 2013.

Further per release: "The seasonally adjusted Investec Purchasing Managers‟ Index® (PMI®) – an indicator designed to provide a single-figure measure of the health of the manufacturing industry – rose to 53.5 in December from 52.4 in November. This signalled a solid improvement in business conditions, and the seventh in as many months."

The last claim is a matter of interpretation. 1.1 points gain in the PMI reading is the 4th largest in 12 months of 2013 and 7th largest in the last 24 months. However, the index reading in December is the 2nd highest in 2013 and the 3rd highest over the last 2 years, which is, undoubtedly, a good thing.

Two charts and dynamic trends to illustrate headline index changes:

In terms of overall PMI, Manufacturing activity averaged at 51.1 over the last 12 months, so the current reading is above that. However, December reading is below the 3mo average for November-December 2013 which stands at 53.6.

Q1 2013 average PMI for Manufacturing was 50.13, and this fell to 49.33 in Q2 2013, before rising to 51.9 in Q3 2013 and to a healthy 53.6 in Q4 2013.

Overall, we are now into third consecutive month with the PMI for Manufacturing index statistically above 50.0. Another good thing.

Full Markit/Investec release is here:

2/1/2014: 'Rip-off Ireland' and Local Authorities' Rents

H/T to @SeamusCoffey for flagging the following chart from the CSO:

Two things of note:

  1. The 'deleveraging' of costs in Ireland (remember the 'competitiveness gains' meme?) is obviously not touching state-controlled rents that remain at the levels compatible to those in early 2008, while private rents index is running around early 2006 levels; and
  2. Since 2011 - when the current Government (led by the 'rip-off Ireland' opponents from the FG) came to power - Local Authority Rents are back on the rising trend.
Here is the same CSO data charted in its full glory and rebased to 100 = average for 2003

  • Actual Rentals (Housing and Mortgage Interest inclusive) down 8.28% in Q4 2013 compared to Q1 2007 average
  • Actual Rents Paid by Tenants are down 2.32%
  • Private Rents are down 6.61%
  • Local Authority Rents are up 25.97%
You know... 'protecting the worst-off' thingy etc, etc, etc...

2/1/2014: Economics of Christmas

This is an unedited version of my Sunday Times column from December 29, 2013.

December is the month that economic forecasters learn to love and to hate.

They love the role the month plays in the annual aggregates for core economic time series. Get December trends right and you are free to bask in the warm glow of having an in-the-money forecast until the first quarter results start trickling into the newsflow.

They learn to hate a number of things that can make Christmas seasons notoriously volatile, especially around the time when economies switch paths from, say, recession to growth. Miss that moment and your forecasts will be out by a mile for a long time to come. Remember 2008-2009 when all analysts were racing against the tide of real data to update their projections downward? One of the reasons for this was that the peak of uncertainty fell on the last quarter. Secondly, Christmas behavior – by both consumers and businesses – is saddled with deep behavioural biases. This does not make holidays’ data fit well with mathematical models.

Ireland is a great case study for all of the above forces interacting with each other to underwrite our economic fortunes. Take the latest statistics, released last week, covering quarterly national accounts through Q3 2013. While this period does not include holidays shopping season, it is revealing of the strange currents in underlying data. Adjusted for inflation, personal consumption fell 1.22 percent in Q1-Q3 2013 and was down 1 percent in Q3 2013 relative to Q3 2012. In other words, household demand continues to underperform overall GDP and GNP in the economy.

This contrasts with continuous gains recorded in consumer confidence, which rose more than 21 percent year on year by the end of Q3 2013. In fact, the two series have been moving in the opposite direction since the mid-2009.

Some of the reasons for this paradoxical situation were revealed in the recent Christmas Spending Survey 2013, released by Deloitte. Despite the positive newsflow from the GDP and GNP aggregates, consumers in Ireland are more concerned with the state of domestic economy than their European counterparts. Overall, the percentage of Europeans who believe their purchasing power has diminished in 2013 compared to 2012 amounts to 41 percent. In Ireland, the figure is 48 percent. Only 26 percent of Irish consumers are expecting their disposable incomes to rise next year. In core spending cohorts comprising the 25-54 year olds, average proportion of population expecting improved incomes over the next year is even lower.

In other words, it seems to matter who asks the question in a survey and it matters what type of question is being asked. A question about confidence asked by an official surveyor yields one type of a reply. A question about actual tangible income expectations asked by a less formal private company surveyor yields a different outcome. These are two classic behavioural biases that wreck havoc with the data.

Despite the gloom, however, Ireland still leads Europe in terms of per capita spending during the Christmas season. Per Deloitte survey we plan to spend around EUR894 per household on gifts, entertainment and food in the last three weeks of December 2013, down from EUR966 reported in surveys a year ago and down from the actual spend of EUR909.

In brief, we are a nation of confident consumers with pessimistic outlook on the present and the future, who are spending less, but still outspend others when it comes to Christmas. A veritable hell of reality for our forecasters.

But what makes December a nightmarish month for those making a living predicting economic trends, makes it so much more exciting for research economists interested in explaining our choices and behaviour. For them, Christmas is when social mythology collides with reality.

Christmas purchases allow us to gauge the consumers’ ability to assess the value of things. In economics terms, the valuations involved are known as willingness to pay and willingness to accept. The former reflects the price we are willing to pay to obtain a pair of the proverbial woolen socks with a Christmas tree and Santa embroidered on them. The latter references the price we are willing to accept in order to give up the said pair of socks after they are passed to us by our kids with a ‘Merry Christmas, Dad!’ cheer.

In numerous studies, our willingness to accept is substantially higher than our willingness to pay – a phenomenon known as the endowment effect.

Christmas shopping data actually tells us that the endowment effect is present across various cultures. The data also tells us that the sentimental or subjective value attached to a gifted good is not a function of price. In other words, spending three times as much on Christmas festivities and gifts as the Dutch do, does not make Irish consumers any merrier.

But spending more has its costs. Some recent surveys indicate that up to one third of all Irish consumers will take on new debt during the Christmas season. In the Netherlands that figure is around one fifth. And long-term indebtedness is a costly proposition when it comes to social, psychological and financial wellbeing.

On the other hand, intangible quality of gifts matters to the consumers both in terms of giving and receiving. As the result, we tend to form expectations of what others value in gifts we give and we also match these expectation with our personal preferences. This induces series of biases and errors into our choices of gifts we purchase.

In Ireland, books represent top preference as a gift for both giving and receiving. In the majority of other countries in Europe, the matched preferences are for giving cash. Before we pat ourselves on the back for being a literature-loving nation, however, give this fact a thought. Giving cash provides a better matching between preferences of gift giver and gift recipient. In basic economics terms, cash gifts eliminate deadweight losses associated with gift giving. This, in turn, means that in countries where cash dominates physical goods giving, smaller expenditures on gifts achieve better outcomes in terms of recipients’ satisfaction. The reason for this is simple: we say we like something as a gift, but we still end up returning or recycling up to 30 percent (based on various studies) of gifts given to us. Why? Because goods are rearely homogeneous, so our preferences for books do not perfectly distinguish which books we like.

Gifts also have a reciprocal value. Christmas surveys have led us to a realization that the power of ‘give to receive’ thinking works well outside the holidays season as well. For example, charitable donations rise robustly when request for donations is accompanied by a forward gift from a charity. In one study, relative frequency of donations to a charity can rise by up to 75 percent when a gift is included with a request.

Still, research in economics overwhelmingly suggests that Christmas behavior by consumers delivers a significant deadweight loss to the economy and consumers-own wellbeing. In other words, our consumption patterns around Christmas can result in misallocation of resources that are not recoverable through the gains in retail sales, services, taxes and other economic activities. Given evidence from other countries, the deadweight loss from Christmas 2013 to the Irish economy can be anywhere in the region of EUR150-450 million.

Beyond economics of gift giving, popular mythology has it that Christmas is also a period of excess, especially when it comes to food and alcohol consumption. On average, this year, Irish consumers are expected to spend EUR259 on food per household. This is well ahead of the European average and reflects not only differences in prices, but also the level of alcohol consumption and our tendency to bundle food purchases with purchases of alcoholic beverages.

Culinary exploits of the festive season are generally subdued in quality and variety of food, but we make up for it with quantity. Marketing research suggests that the guiding principle to a successful Christmas meal is ‘safe, sound and abundant’ traditional dishes, rather than creative and experimental fare. Thus, virtually all cultures celebrating Christmas have a regulation-issued set of traditions designed to combat the festive season’s calories. These range from New Year resolutions (rarely followed through) to periods of fasting and abstinence (often tried, but rarely verified in terms of health virtues they claim to deliver).

One recent study looked at 54 million death certificates issued in the US from 1979 through 2004. The authors found that “there are holiday spikes for most major disease groups and for all demographic groups, except children. In the two weeks starting with Christmas, there is an excess of 42,325 deaths from natural causes above and beyond the normal winter increase.”

Another medical study found evidence of a significant weight gain in the US population during the December holidays. According to the study, the mean weight increased by 370 grams on average per person during the holidays. This weight gain remained intact during the rest of the year. In other words, all the New Year’s resolutions and health club memberships gifts cannot undo the damage done by turkey and gravy.

Last, but not least, popular mythology ascribes to the economists the definition given by Oscar Wild to a cynic: “A man who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing”. But studies of the Christmas data show that for economists, the size of the gap between sentimental value of the gifts and their retail or market prices is lower than for other professions. It seems, the economists know both the price and the value of Christmas gifts better than other consumers. Sadly, that knowledge seems to be of little help when it comes to understanding what is going on with the Irish economy at large.


The latest instalment in the European banking union saga agreed two weeks ago was heralded by the EU leaders as the final assurance that the taxpayers will never again be forced to shore up European banks in a financial crisis. In reality, the final agreement on the structuring of the Single Resolution Mechanism (SRM) is a sad exemplification of the bureaucratic dysfunctionality that is Europe.

In the US, a single entity is responsible for assessing the viability of a bank experiencing an adverse shock and subsequently determining on the action to be taken in resolving the shock. That authority is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC.

In Europe, based on the latest agreement between the European Finance Ministers, the SRM will involve at least 148 senior officials across eight diverse decision-making bodies. The resolution procedures can involve up to nine, and at least seven different stages of approval. Majority of these stages require either simple or super-majority voting. The whole process is so convoluted, one doubts it can be relied upon to deliver a functional and timely response to any crisis that might impact Euro area banking in the future.

Is it time we renamed the European Banking Union a Byzantium Redux?

1/1/2014: Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all! May 2014 be a better, kinder, more prosperous year for all!

Thank you all for reading this blog, for citing it in your own articles, and for commenting over 2013. Stay tuned for more in 2014!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

31/12/2013: Debt and Growth: Consumption Crowding-Out Channel

Since the overhyped and outright hysterical 'controversy' over the Reinhart & Rogoff debt thesis blew up across the media earlier this year (I covered much of the controversy on the blog and in my columns, for example, here, it became - to put it mildly - unfashionable to reference the adverse effects of debt on growth and economy. Too bad, some economists seem to have missed that point.

A new study from the Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, titled "Nonlinear Effects of Government Debt on Private Consumption in OECD Countries" (see citation below) looked at "nonlinear effects of government debt on private consumption in 16 OECD countries. The estimated consumption function shows smooth regime switching depending on the debt-to-GDP ratio, and the threshold level of regime switching is found to be the ratio of 83.7 percent. The results reveal that a higher level of government debt crowds out private consumption to a greater extent, and that the degree of the crowding out effect has deteriorated since the global financial crisis."

Wait, there are thresholds here… 83.7% debt/GDP ratio - very close to the  S. Cecchetti, M. Mohanty and F. Zampolli thresholds (see And there is the 'causal link' between debt and growth via crowding out of private consumption.

31/12/2013: Negative equity and entrepreneurship: new evidence

Since the beginning of the crisis, I have written about and presented on the topic of negative equity and its adverse effects on economy and society.

Some of the earlier links on this topic can be found here:

One significant adverse effect of negative equity relates to the impact it has (via investment constraints) on entrepreneurship:

This month, NBER published yet another study on the above topic, covering the issue of property values impact on collateral availability for entrepreneurial activities.

The study, "Housing Collateral and Entrepreneurship" (NBER Working Paper No. w19680) by Martin Schmalz, David Alexandre Spaer and David Thesmar "shows that collateral constraints restrict entrepreneurial activity. Our empirical strategy uses variations in local house prices as shocks to the value of collateral available to individuals owning a house and controls for local demand shocks by comparing entrepreneurial activity of homeowners and renters operating in the same region. We find that an increase in collateral value leads to a higher probability of becoming an entrepreneur."

What is novel to the study results and is also extremely important from economic policy point of view is that "Conditional on entry, entrepreneurs with access to more valuable collateral create larger firms and more value added, and are more likely to survive, even in the long run."

Now, keep in mind - Ireland's politicians and both the previous and current Government officials have been consistently claiming that negative equity only matters when households need to move from their current location to a new residence. In contrast, I have asserted from the start of the crisis that the adverse effects of negative equity are present not only in the context of households moving locations, but also for the households that are staying in their current location and that some of the effects are completely independent from the ability of the households to fund their current mortgages.

Link to the study:

Sunday, December 29, 2013

29/12/2013: WLASze: Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics

This is the last 2013 WLASze: Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics.

Last WLASze touched upon the festive season, quoting from Joseph Brodsky
"Emptiness. But the mere thought of that
brings forth lights as if out of nowhere.
Herod reigns but the stronger he is,
the more sure, the more certain the wonder."

Here's a retrospective reminder, incomplete and perhaps not multi-faceted enough, but still poignant, of that Emptiness and Herod interplay in our lives at the brutalist Berlin Wall:

Returning back to year-end themes of recalling 2013 before it fades away some 51 hours from now:
Two of my favourite discoveries of 2013 are:
1) Use of structural biology to generate a new vaccine against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and
2) Discovery of the evidence that "at least some cosmic rays come from exploding stars"

And on the theme of fading memories and scientific breakthroughs - here's one that ties the two together neatly...

As I suggested in relation to some other discoveries, this one will challenge more our ethics than our scientific minds...

But being one Dr Doom, I can't escape a 'bad news' story on science's front… well, sort-of-bad:
One satellite delay is not enough? How about a delay with a Space Lab?
At least Greenpeace won't need to protest in 'Russian' space...

From bad, to good: "The Desire for Freedom. Art in Europe since 1945" is a new exhibition at Museum of Contemporary Art Krakow that "explores the socio-political undercurrents of European art since 1945 through to the present day."

You can (and should) always rely on art to lift the spirits that science occasionally dents... though French art rarely does this nowadays...

I have been critical before about architectural (and commercial) exploits of natural space for a quick gratification of senses (and cash). Here is a counter-point:
Perhaps it is an anchoring bias in me (I love mountains more than any other place on earth) or the aesthetic desire for air and space, but I love this observation 'room' concept and execution.

And while on WorldlessTech page, here's another fantastic project - merging visual power of art to bring down the aesthetic refuge of poetry closer to people:
As Robert Lowell put it:
"The painter’s vision is not a lens,
it trembles to caress the light."

Or why not in full glory?

Those blessèd structures, plot and rhyme—
why are they no help to me now
I want to make
something imagined, not recalled?
I hear the noise of my own voice:
The painter’s vision is not a lens,
it trembles to caress the light.
But sometimes everything I write  
with the threadbare art of my eye
seems a snapshot,
lurid, rapid, garish, grouped,
heightened from life,
yet paralyzed by fact.
All’s misalliance.
Yet why not say what happened?
Pray for the grace of accuracy
Vermeer gave to the sun’s illumination
stealing like the tide across a map
to his girl solid with yearning.
We are poor passing facts,
warned by that to give
each figure in the photograph
his living name.

Reminds you of Russian Constructivists' efforts to achieve the same, except for the purpose of delivering an ethical message, not an aesthetic one…

Great retrospective of 2013 Year Review from Design-Milk:

One of the best photographers to come out of Ireland - superb Paul Gaffney - reviewed in the British Journal of Photography back in November:

Enormity of life abandoned by concrete of the road above… fragility of rebirth and power of determination? Artist's page here:

And the Book I want this New Year is…

Xu Bing, Book From the Ground: Point to Point, Guangxi Normal University Press, 112pp
More on it here: This is a book that promises to defy all conventions of language to reinforce the convention of semiotics (or proto-language, if you want)… it is an unconventional tome which features no words. Instead, book's content is formally derived from symbols, marks, doodles, etc. The narrative tells the story of “Mr Black” who is supposedly "a white-collar worker living in a modern metropolis". This is an attempt to bring communications outside the confines of language and I want to see if it delivers on the promise…

Alas, I suspect that by 'defying all conventions' of writing, it in a way returns us back to the fact that evolved written languages are alive today for a good reason... perhaps they need translation or learning, perhaps they are cumbersome in that, yet they do function to deliver the meaning, right? Try writing WLASze in something that looks like the above?..

Happy New Year to all! 

Remember what Auden said about Poetry in his New Year Letter?
“Poetry might be defined as the clear expression of mixed feelings.”
May we have both in 2014, but more of the former, whilst in the latter more of the better...

29/12/2013: Icelandic Model for Debt Crises Resolution?

A very comprehensive paper analysing the Icelandic approach to personal debt and corporate insolvency crises resolution:

Latest comparatives between Icelandic and Irish economic performance:

Saturday, December 28, 2013

28/12/2013: CIS Free Trade Zone Expands

Uzbekistan officially joined the CIS Free Trade Zone, which now includes:

  • Armenia
  • Belarus
  • Kazakhstan
  • Moldova
  • Russia
  • Ukraine
  • Uzbekistan
These cover 3.95% of total world GDP (adjusting for Purchasing Power Parity).

News post on the above here:

Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan are signatories, but are yet to ratify the treaty (0.04% of world GDP (PPP-adjusted).

For comparative: Germany accounts for 3.72% of world GDP (PPP-adjusted), Italy and Spain jointly account for 3.68%.

Thursday, December 26, 2013

26/12/2013: Italy's Illegal Measure Takes a Shot at Corporate Tax Optimisation

Just when I thought we are safe from the 'Tax Haven Ireland' stories at least until the end of holidays, the latest instalment in the saga arrived… this time from Italy.

With this in mind, let's update the string of links covering the topic. You can follow earlier links from here: (see the bottom of the post).

I wrote before about Italy's plans to curb tax optimisation by web-based MNCs. Here's the latest announcement on the topic:

So Italy now passed the 'Google Tax'. It aims to collect USD1.35 billion or EUR1 billion in tax revenues. The tax is utterly illegal under the EU rules.

The 1957 Treaty (of Rome) establishing a European Economic Community (EEC) Part 1, Art.3(c): “the abolition, as between Member States, of obstacles to freedom of movement for persons, services and capital”.
The Treaty (of Lisbon) on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU): Art. 26 (2) “the internal market shall comprise an area without internal frontiers in which the free movement of goods, persons, services and capital is ensured…"

The point, however, is that the Italian parliament measure is putting added pressure on  the OECD, the EU and the national governments to deal with the problem of aggressive tax optimisation practices of some MNCs.

26/12/2013: Strategy for Growth 2014-2020 - A Fruitcake of Policy?

This is an unedited version of my Sunday Times column from December 22, 2013.

It is a well-known fact that virtually all New Year’s resolutions are based on the commitments adopted and promptly abandoned in the years past. Our Government’s reforms wish lists are no exception. Like an out-of-shape beer guzzler struggling to get out of the pub, our State longs to get fit year after year. Most of the time, nothing comes of it: bombastic reforms announced or committed to quietly slip into oblivion. Smaller parts of resolutions take hold; bigger items get buried in working groups and advisory panels. Thus, over the last decade, we have seen promises of reforms across the domestic sectors, protected professions, pensions and health systems, quangos, social welfare, government funding, tax systems, and so on. Virtually none have been delivered so far.

This week’s Strategy for Growth: 2014-2020 is the latest in the series of Governments’ ‘New Year, New Me’ resolutions. It is a lengthy list of things that have already been promised before. With a sprinkling of fresh thinking added. All of it is based on a strange mixture of pragmatism in fiscal targets, resting on economic forecasts infused with an unfunded but modest optimism. Giddy exuberance in confidence concludes the arrangement: confidence that the reforms which proved un-surmountable under the Troika gaze will be feasible in over the next seven years. The entire exercise promises a lot of reforms, but delivers little when it comes to realistic costings and risk assessments of the promises made.

In brief, the new Strategy is a disappointingly old fruitcake: pretty on the outside, inedible on the inside and full of stale trimmings, held together by the boisterous dose of potent optimism.

On Monday, the National Competitiveness Council unveiled its own version of a roadmap to the proverbial growth curve. The 32-page document on the New Economy contained no less than 65 references to the building and construction sector and 39 instances of references to property sector. No other sector of the economy was accorded such attention.

In the footsteps of NCC, on Tuesday, the Government launched its own multi-annual post-Troika policies roadmap.

The core point of the glossy tome is that Ireland needs a combination of policies to get its economy moving again. No one could have suspected such a radical thought. Majority of the policies listed are of ‘do more of the same’ variety. Some are novel, and a handful would have been even daring, were it not for the nagging suspicion that they represent political non-starters.

The plan has three pillars. Pillar one: fiscal discipline to keep Government debt under control. Pillar two: repairing the credit supply system and the banks. Pillar three: create an economy based on innovation, productivity and exports, and… building and construction. If you find any of this new, you are probably a visitor from Mars.

The document fails to provide any risk analysis in relation to all three pillars. Instead, it fires off pretty specific and hard-set targets and forecasts. Normally, the forecasts reflect the impact of policies being produced. In the Strategy 2014-2020 normality is an inverted concept, so forecasts enable targets that justify proposals.

There are two scenarios considered: the baseline scenario (better described as boisterously optimistic) and the high growth scenario (best described as wildly optimistic). None are backed by an analysis of sources of growth projections. No adverse scenario mentioned.

For the purpose of comparison, based on IMF model, Irish GDP, adjusting for inflation is forecast to expand by less than 12.3 percent between the end of 2013 and the end of 2018. In contrast, Government latest plan projects GDP to grow by over 16.1 percent in the case of high growth scenario. Nominal GDP differences between the high-growth and baseline scenarios amount to just 0.1 percentage points on average per annum. In other words, the distance between boisterous and wild optimism in Government’s outlook for the next seven years of economic growth is negligible.

By 2020 we will regain jobs lost during the crisis. But unemployment will be 8.1 percent under the baseline scenario and 5.9 percent under high-growth projections. Both targets are above the pre-crisis levels of around 4.7 percent. Which means that the Grand Strategy envisions jobs creation to lag behind labour force growth. The only way this can be achieved is by lowering employment to labour force ratio. This, in turn, would require increasing labour force more than increasing employment. In other words, the numbers stack up only if we simultaneously reduce emigration and push people off welfare benefits and into the jobs markets, and do so at the rates in excess of the new jobs creation. How this can be delivered is a mystery, although the Strategy promises more reforms to address these.

We will also transition to a fully balanced budget by 2018, eliminating the need to borrow new funds. Of course, we will still be issuing new debt to roll over old debt that will be maturing. Government debt itself will decline to below 100 percent of GDP by 2019. Per IMF latest estimates released this week, our General Government deficit in 2017-2018 will average around 1.5 percent of GDP and Government debt will end 2018 at around 112.2 percent of GDP. By Governments baseline scenario, we will be running a deficit of 0.25 percent of GDP on average over 2017-2018 and our debt will fall to 104 percent of GDP by the end of 2018. Optimism abounds.

To make these achievements feasible, let alone sustainable, will require drastic reforms far beyond what is detailed in the strategy documents. Instead of detailing these, Strategy for Growth: 2014-2020 leaves the major reforms open to future policy designs by various working groups.

For example, the Government Strategy talks high about the need to ensure sustainability of pensions provision. In an Orwelian language of the Strategy, having expropriated private pension funds before, the Government is now congratulating itself on achieving positive enhancements of the pensions system.

Yet, we all know that the key problems with current pensions system in Ireland are two-fold. One: we have massive under-supply of defined contribution pensions plans in the private sector. Two: we have massive deficits in defined benefit schemes that are predominantly concentrated in the public sectors. The Strategy documents published this week simply ignore the former problem. With respect to the latter one, the Government plan amounts to hoping that the problem will go away over time. Overall, going forward, the magic bullets in the State dealing with the vast pensions crisis are exactly the same as before: higher retirement age, gradual closing of defined benefit schemes and more studies into “setting out … long-term plans in this area”.

Another complex of Augean Stables of economic policies left untouched, potentially due to the influence of Labour is the tax system. Current income and social security taxes de facto penalise anyone considering an entrepreneurial venture. The Strategy puts forward no income tax reforms proposals. The document brags about the ‘progressivity’ of our income tax system and promises to retain this feature of the tax codes. Unions will be happy. Entrepreneurs, self-employed, higher-skilled workers, innovators, professionals, younger and highly educated employees, and exporting sectors workers will remain unhappy.

The Strategy admits that “Traditionally in Ireland starting and growing a business is considered less attractive by many than working in larger employers.” It goes on to stake a bold policy claim “to find innovative ways to encourage an entrepreneurial spirit.”

Stripped of fancy verbiage, the ‘innovative ways’ amount to a call to educate us all, toddlers and pensioners alike, about the goodness of entrepreneurship, and develop unspecified policies to make business failure more acceptable. Given the shambolic nature of the personal insolvency regime reforms designed by the current Government, there is little hope the latter objective can be met.

For intellectual gravitas, key marketing and PR words were deployed in the Strategy, promising more assistance, subsidies and supports to entrepreneurs, and more “clusters”. The same Strategy also promised to cut the number of business innovation assistance schemes and streamline business development programmes.

Taken together, these changes suggest that the Irish entrepreneurship environment will remain firmly gripped by State bureaucracy and will continue churning out state-favoured enterprises with clientilist business models. The fact that the said platform of enterprise supports, having been in existence for some 12 years, has failed to deliver rapid growth of innovation-focused high value-added indigenous entrepreneurship to-date seems not to bother our policymakers.

Other elephants in the room – some spotted by the very same Government years ago, while in opposition – are mentioned and, predictably, left unchallenged. One example: the Strategy promises yet another Action Plan to “identify ways to use Government procurement in a strategic way to stimulate … innovative solutions.” Back in 2011, this Government has already promised to do the same.

Overall, the fruitcakes of economic policy planning by the Government and NCC both lack vision and details. The two documents do contain some good, realistic and tangible ideas, but, sadly, these are buried beneath an avalanche of unspecified promises and uncontested figures. Risks to implementation of these policies may outweigh incentives for reforms. Lack of realism in expectations may overshadow the potential impact of the proposals.

More fruitcake, anyone? There’s loads left…


In the latest report published this week, the European Banking Authority (EBA) analysed data from 64 banks with respect to their capital positions and the underlying Risk-Weighted Assets (RWA) holdings. Overall, capital position of the EU banking sector “continued to show a positive trend,” according to EBA, with Core Tier 1 capital holdings rising by EUR 80 billion. This, “combined with a reduction of more the EUR 800 billion of RWAs” means that the EU banks are building up risk buffers at the same time as pursuing continued deleveraging. The latter is the price for the former: higher capital ratios are good for banks’ ability to withstand shocks, deleveraging of assets is bad for credit supply to the real economy. On the net, however, as capital ratios rise, the system is being repaired so the price is worth paying. The improvements, however, were absent in one economy. Per EBA, Irish banks (Bank of Ireland, AIB and Permanent TSB) are unique in the EU in so far as they are experiencing simultaneous reduction in capital ratios and a decrease in Risk-Weighted Assets, which only partially offset the drop in capital. Put simply, Irish banks deleveraging is not fast enough to sustain current capital ratios: we are paying the price, but are not getting the benefits.

EBA chart (click to enlarge):