An unedited version of my recent requested guest contribution for News Max on the issue of secular stagnation (July-August 2015).
Stagnation and the Promise of the Recovery
Recent evidence on economic growth dynamics
presents a striking paradox. As traditional business cycles go, recovery period
following a prolonged recession should follow certain historical regularities. Shortly
after exiting a recession, growth in productivity, output, investment and
demand accelerates and exceeds pre-crisis growth.
These stylized facts are absent from the
data for the major advanced economies to-date, prompting three distinct
responses from the economic growth analysts. On the one hand, there are
proponents of two theories of secular stagnation – an idea that structurally,
long-term growth in the advanced economies has come to a grinding halt either due
to the demand side collapse, or due to the supply side exhausting drivers for
growth. On the other hand, the recovery bulls continue to argue that the
turnaround reflective of a traditional recovery is likely to materialize
sometime soon.
In my opinion, neither one of the three
views of the current economic cycle is correct or sufficient in explaining the
lack of robust global recovery from the crises of 2007-2009 and 2011-2014.
Instead, the complete view of today’s economy should integrate the ongoing
secular stagnation thesis spanning both the supply and the demand sides of the
global economy.
The end game for investors is that no
traditional indexing or asset class approach to constructing investor
portfolios will offer a harbor from the post-QE re-pricing of economic fundamentals.
Instead, longer-term strategy for addressing these risks calls for investors
targeting smaller clusters of opportunities in sectors that can be viewed as
buffers against the secular stagnation trends. Along the same lines of
reasoning, forward-looking economic policymaking should also focus on enhancing
such clustered opportunities.
The demand-based view of secular stagnation
suggests that the global growth slowdown is linked to a structural decline in consumption
and investment, reflected in a decades-long glut of aggregate savings over
This theory, tracing back to the 1930s
suggestion by Alvin Hansen, made its first return to the forefront of
macroeconomic thinking back in the 1990s, in the context of Japan. By the early
1990s, Japan was suffering from a demographics-linked excess of savings
relative to investment, and the associated massive contraction in labor
productivity. During the 1980-1989 period, Japan's real GDP per worker averaged
3.2 percent per annum. Over the following two decades, the average was 0.81
percent. Meanwhile, Japan's investment as a percentage of GDP gradually fell
from approximately 29-30 percent in the 1980s to just over 20 percent in
The Great Recession replicated Japanese
experience across the majority of advanced economies. Between 1980 and 2014,
the gap between savings and investment as percentage of GDP has widened in
North America and the Euro area. At the same time, labor productivity fell
precipitously across all major advanced economies, despite a massive increase
in unemployment.
Some opponents of the demand side secular
stagnation thesis, most notably former Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, argue that
low interest rates create incentives for investment and reduced saving by
lowering the cost of the former and increasing the opportunity cost of the
However, this argument bears no connection
to what is happening on the ground. Current zero rates policies appear to
reinforce the savings-investment mismatch, not weaken it, rendering monetary policy
impotent, if not outright damaging.
can this be the case?
Today's pre-retirement generations are
facing insufficient pensions coverage. For them, lower yields on retirement investments,
tied to lower policy rates, are incentivizing more aggressive savings, further
suppressing returns on investment. Meanwhile, middle age workers face severe
pressures to deleverage their debts accumulated before the crisis, while supporting
ageing parents and, simultaneously, increasing numbers of stay-at-home young
To address the demand-side of secular
stagnation in the short run, requires lifting the natural rate of return on
investment, without increasing retail interest rates. This will be both tricky
for policymakers and painful for a large number of investors, currently crowded
into an over-bought debt markets.
The only way real natural rate of return to
investment can rise in the environment of continued low policy and retail rates
is by widening the margin between equity and debt returns for non-financial
assets and reducing tax subsidies awarded to physical and financial capital
accumulation. In other words, policymakers must rebalance taxation systems to
support real enterprise formation, entrepreneurship and equity investment,
while reducing incentives to invest in debt and financial assets.
Good examples of such policy tools
deployment can be found in the areas of gas and oil infrastructure LLPs and
property REITs used to fund long-term physical capital investments via tax
optimized returns structures. Transforming these schemes to broader markets and
to cover non-financial, technological and human capital investments, however,
will be tricky.
From the investor perspective, the demand-side
stagnation thesis implies that longer-term investment opportunities will be
found in allocations targeting entrepreneurs and companies with organic growth that
are debt-light, technologically intensive (with a caveat explained below) and
human capital-rich. There are no real examples of such companies currently in
the major stock markets’ indices. Instead, the future growth plays are found in
the high risk space of start ups and early stage development ventures in the
sectors that bring technology directly to end-user engagement: biotech,
nanotechnology, remote health, food sciences, wearables, bio-human interfaces
and artificial intelligence.
Sector: Value-Added Miss
The caveat relating to technology
investments briefly mentioned above is non-trivial.
Today, we have two distinct trends in
technological innovation: technological research that leads to increased
substitution of labor with technology and innovations that promise greater
complementarity between labor and human capital and the machines.
The first type of innovation is what the
financial markets are currently long. And it is also directly linked to the supply-side
secular stagnation thesis formulated by Robert Gordon in the late 2000s. The
thesis challenges the consensus view that the current technological revolution will
continue to fuel a perpetual growth cycle.
Per Gordon, "The frontier established
by the U.S. for output per capita, and the U. K. before it, … reached its
fastest growth rate in the middle of the 20th century, and has slowed down
since. It is in the process of slowing
down further." The reason for this is the exhaustion of economic returns
to technological innovation. Financial
returns are yet to follow, but inevitably, with time, they will.
Gordon, and his followers, argue that a
sequence of three industrial or technological revolutions explains the
historically unprecedented pace of growth recorded since the mid-18th
century. "The first with its main inventions between 1750 and 1830 created
steam engines, cotton spinning, and railroads. The second was the most
important, with its three central inventions of electricity, the internal
combustion engine, and running water with indoor plumbing, in the relatively short
interval of 1870 to 1900.” However, after 1970 “productivity growth slowed
markedly, most plausibly because the main ideas of [the second revolution] had
by and large been implemented by then.” Thus, the computer and internet age –
the ongoing third revolution – has reached its climax in the late 1990s and the
productivity gains from the new computer technologies has been declining since
around 2000.

Gordon’s argument is not about the levels
of activity generated by the new technologies, but about the declining rate of
growth in value added arising form them. This argument is supported by some of
the top thinkers in the tech sector, notably the U.S. tech entrepreneur and
investor, Peter Thiel.
The older generation of players in the tech
sector attempted to challenge Gordon’s ideas, with little success to-date.
A recent study from IBM, titled
"Insatiable Innovation: From sporadic to systemic", attempted to show
that technological innovation is alive and well, pointing to evolving ‘smart’
tech, globalization of consumer markets, and universal customization of
production as signs of potential growth capacity remaining in tech-focused sectors.
However, surprisingly, the study ends up
confirming Gordon’s assertion. Tech industry today, by focusing on substituting
technology for people in production, is struggling to deliver substantial
enough push for growth acceleration. The promise of new technologies that can
move companies toward more human capital-intensive modes of production remains
the stuff of the future. Meanwhile, marginal returns on investment in today’s
technology may be non-negligible from the point of view of individual
enterprises, but they cannot deliver rapid rates of growth in economic value
added over time and worldwide.
Change Required
In my view, the reason for this failure
rests with the nature of the modern economy, still anchored to physical capital
investment, where technology is designed to replace labor. As I noted in a
number of research papers and in my TED presentation a couple of years ago, long-term
global growth cycles are sustained by pioneering innovation that moves economic
production away from previously exhausted factors (e.g. agricultural land,
physical trade routes, steam, internal combustion, electricity, and, most
recently capital-enhancing tech) toward new factors.
Thus, the next global growth cycle can only
arise from switching away from traditional forms of capital accumulation in
favor of structurally new source of growth. The only factor remaining to be
deployed in the economy is that of human capital.
Like it or not, to deliver the growth
momentum necessary for sustaining the quality of life and improvements in
social and economic environment expected by the ageing and currently productive
generations will require some radical rethinking of the status quo economic
development models.
The thrust of these changes will need to
focus on attempting to reverse the decline in returns to human capital
investment (education, training, creativity, ability to take and manage risks,
entrepreneurship, etc) and on generating higher economic value added growth
from technological innovation.
The former implies dramatic restructuring
of modern systems of taxation and public services to increase incentives and
supports for human capital investments and their deployment in the economy. The latter requires an equally disruptive
reform of the traditional institutions of entrepreneurship and enterprise
formation and development.
From investor perspective, this means
seeking opportunities to take equity positions in companies with more
horizontal, less technocratic distributions of management and ownership.
Cooperative, mutual, employees-owned larger ventures and firms offer some
attractive longer term valuations in this context. Entrepreneurs who are not
afraid to allocate wider ranges of managerial and strategic responsibilities to
a broader group of their key employees are also interesting investment targets.
Within sectors, companies that offer more
flexible platforms for research and development, product innovation, customer
engagement and are design and knowledge-rich will likely outperform their more
conservative and rigid counterparts over the long run.
The new world of structurally slower growth does not
imply lack of opportunities for investors seeking long run returns. It simply
requires a new approach to investment allocation across asset classes and
individual investment targets. When both, supply and demand sides of the
economic growth equation face headwinds, safe harbours of opportunities lie
outside the immediate path of disruption, in the areas of tangible real equity
closely linked to the potential drivers of future growth.