Saturday, August 1, 2009

Economics 02/08/2009: Liam Carroll's case

For those of you who missed, here is my article from Saturday edition of Irish Daily Mail

An Irish person recently remarked to me in the context of NAMA that “If any other electorate in Europe, nay, the world, faced this scandal, their citizens would be on the streets.” They would. We have been led to believe that NAMA is a necessary solution for the banks having to write down the odious development debt acquisition of which over the years past was cheered on by the Government through tax breaks and the stamp duty widnfalls. In reality, NAMA is Ireland’s own financial Chernobyl – a self-inflicted devastation of taxpayers’ finances perpetuated for the sake of doing something about the crisis.

By denying the examinership to Liam Carroll’s six companies, the Irish High Court has put itself out as the sole branch of State that stands between the innocent taxpayers and this redlining reactor.

First, let me clearly state that I have no objection to proper developers who build what is truly demanded by the market. They too will be the victims of the NAMA debacle.

Pursued by a creditor, the ACC Bank, Liam Carroll has been languishing in the High Court for a better part of this week, awaiting a decision on whether he will be granted an examinership for six of his companies. An alternative for Mr Carroll was to face an appointment of a receiver – a sure bet that his companies will be shut down. This alternative has now come to its logical fruition – denying Mr Carroll the examinership, the court has forced him to face the music. Receivership is now all but inevitable.

The motivation behind this battle was NAMA. Mr Carroll would like his companies debt to be assumed by the state, allowing for them to continue as an ongoing concern. Mr Carroll even hoped to convince the folks running the bad bank to give him few quid to finish some of his
failed projects. A pipe dream for a businesses that, by his Senior Counsel’s admission generates just €22-23 million in annual revenue against the debts of roughly €1.4 billion. Now, do the maths – a company that was supposed to be bought by us, the taxpayers into NAMA will not be able to cover even 15% of its annual interest bill.

Mr Carroll’s case has serious implications for us all – the Irish taxpayers – as the underwriters of NAMA.

Mr Carroll’s Senior Counsel Michael Cush told the court that the six companies in question, had historically been very successful businesses. But he said more recently they had suffered credit problems, the downturn in the property market, and some “problems with investments”. Per Mr Cush, the companies are clearly insolvent and if liquidated, their unpaid debts will reach €1 billion. This indicates that there is no hope for a recovery of the business and that examinership was rightly denied to them.

But it also shows that there is not a snowballs chance in hell that NAMA will be able to recover any positive value from Mr Carroll’s companies, unless it forces his banks to write down at least €1 billion of some €1.4 billion in loans amassed. That NAMA will do nothing of the sorts, preferring to continue the circus of pretending that these businesses worth something in excess of their debts is clearly something that the courts disagree with.

The NAMA legislation published this Thursday states that the taxpayers will be paying for the current values of the banks loans, while the developers will be pursued for the original loans amounts. Mr Carroll’s case illustrates that currently insolvent businesses continue to accumulate liabilities (rolled up interest and fresh demands for continuity funding) that simply cannot be repaid, ever. These roll up debts are odious, for they are extended to the clearly insolvent companies in the hope that NAMA will simply cover them at a higher rate than the markets would were the banks to go out into the open trying to liquidate these development loans.
Which means that NAMA will be using our money to pay for the rolled up interest on top of already grossly overvalued loans of insolvent enterprises.

Do a simple math, with a 50% fall in the value of underlying assets, 11% interest charge on the non-performing loans and a 25% NAMA discount, the taxpayers will be overpaying for the assets they by to the tune of 70% plus. Put simply, imagine walking into a shop and seeing a TV set on sale. The sign reads: ‘Sale! Original price €100. Sale price €170”. That does look like Minister Lenihan’s bargain for the taxpayers.

Liam Carroll’s case also shows that over the last year, soft budget constraints for insolvent businesses, like Liam Carroll’s empire, were accepted by the banks solely on the anticipation of a state bailout. If not, these banks actively engaged in destroying their shareholders’ wealth by undertaking knowingly reckless decisions. Take your pick.

I have absolutely nothing against Mr Carroll's enterprises, other than the simple argument that if they are insolvent today, the should be shut down today and they should not be allowed to accumulate additional liabilities at our, taxpayers' expense.

The examinership case for Mr Carroll’s companies was not warranted from day one of his application to the court. Minimizing losses to the economy and the taxpayers resulting from his companies farcical ‘operations’ required an appointment of a receiver and no restructuring period under the examinership would have done any good to their solvency. If only the same wisdom of the courts can be applied to NAMA itself.

NAMA 3.0: A real alternative

I was bemused to learn that a number of my economics colleagues are apparently starting to 'discover' the idea of resolving the banking crisis through the use of a voucher-styled equity acquisition in Irish banks and disbursement of these to the taxpayers. Oh, it makes me glad that potentially some of them - possibly including even those who would not give me a fulltime job in their august departments - are now coming around to accepting some of my original ideas.

So to clearly draw a line in the sand, I espoused the idea of voucher-styled recapitalization of Irish banks on the pages of Business & Finance, with Prof Brian Lucey (the only person who saw, amongst academics, any merit in this idea from the start) in the pages of the Irish Times, in the Sunday Times and in the Irish Independent, as well as, of course, on this blog. But my entire view on how the banking crisis should be handled is summarized here:

Step 1: Require banks to take full mark-to-market writedown on their loan book;
Step 2: Travel down the capital ranks to draw down shareholder equity, deplete perpetual bond holders and so on to cover the writedowns;
Step 3: Force the bond holders into debt for equity swap;
Step 4: Open enrollment for a share-participation in Irish banks recapitalization to SVFs, vulture funds and any other form of private capital;
Step 5: Cover all remaining shortfalls in capital base with Government bonds swapped for equity after Steps 1-4 are completed and after an independent assessment of the value of the remaining loans is carried out to determine the true extent of banks under-capitalization;

Step 6: Hold equity in an escrow account (NAMA3.0) on behalf of the taxpayers, appointing a Supervisory Board to every bank recapitalized by the taxpayers money. The SB should consist of one appointee by the Minister for Finance, 3 direct independent representatives of the taxpayers, who are charged with explicitly guarding the taxpayers' interests, 1 representative of the bank board, 1 representative of NAMA3.0 and 1 independent director. Each member (other than those from NAMA3.0 and the bank) will hold a veto power. A requirement that risk and credit committees of NAMA3.0 include at least 51% majority of independent experts who cannot be employees of the state, NAMA3.0 or any other parties to this undertaking;

Step 7: NAMA3.0 accountability: no indemnity for negligence and incompetence for any employee or director of the escrow organization; no cross borrowing by the Exchequer from NAMA3.0 is allowed, so Brian Lenihan and his successors cannot raid the nest egg; ownership of shares in the account accrues to the taxpayers, not to the state or the public sector; NAMA3.0 cannot lend money to continue any of the banks' projects;

Step 8: NAMA3.0 transparency: full disclosure of all recapitalization acts and shares held in NAMA3.0 - on the web, updated live; full disclosure of all employment contracts, wages, bonuses etc, CVs of all managers and directors and disclosure of all potential conflicts of interest; full disclosure and updating of the comprehensive NAMA3.0 balance sheet, cost/benefit analysis of the undertaking and live weekly mark-to-market report on the value of shares held;

Step 9: NAMA3.0 operational efficiencies: NAMA3.0 can, with consent of the Minister for Finance and in orderly (market-respecting) fashion disburse all or a part of its shareholdings so as to maximize the return to the taxpayers. This disbursal should be fully notified to the public immediately post execution, with price achieved fully disclosed. NAMA3.0 will then have 30 days to issue every resident of this country - registered at the date of creation of NAMA3.0 - his or her share of the sale proceeds net of NAMA3.0 operating costs and a special withholding tax of 25% on CGT, in a form of the cheque;

Step 10: NAMA3.0 legal remit over assets: NAMA3.0 in recapitalizing the banks will have a mandate to help the banks collect on outstanding loans by aiding them in seizing requisite collateral. In doing so, NAMA3.0 will have to agree a procedure to address problems of cross-collateralization of specific assets. NAMA3.0 will have a right to impose seize borrower's property (applicable only to developers) when such property has been legally shielded from authorities or banks at any time after July 2008.

Step 11: Conditions for banks' participation in NAMA3.0 banks wishing to participate in this undertaking will be required to adhere to the following rules, including, but not limited to, the caps on executive compensation at the banks and the requirement to set up fully independent, veto-wielding risk assessment committee at each bank with a mandatory requirement for a position of a taxpayers' representative on the board that cannot be occupied by a civil servant or anyone who has worked in the Irish banking or development industry in the last 10 years;

Step 12: Re-legitimising the public system of regulation in Financial Services: as a part of NAMA3.0, the Government must address the ever-widening crisis of markets, investors' and taxpayers' trust in the Irish system of Financial Services regulation. Many steps must be taken to address this problem, and these can be worked out over time - suggest away. But in my view, there must be a stipulation that all and any regulatory authorities (and their senior level employees) that were involved in regulating the banking and housing sector in this country until now must be forced to take a mandatory pension cut of 50%, a salary cut to put them at -10% relative to their UK counterparts wages, and return any and all lump sum funds they collected upon their retirement. The Government must impose measures to prevent banks from beefing up their profit margins through squeezing their preforming customers. The measures to force the banks to reduce their cost bases by laying off surplus workers must be enforced. From now on, every regulatory office should be required to publish all minutes of its meetings, disclose all its voting, decisions and rulings to the public, create a public oversight board that must include members of the Dail from non-Governing Parties, a taxpayer representative and independent directors.

This is a sketch of NAMA3.0. Please feel free to build a bigger picture with me

Economics 1/08/2009: NAMA - alternatives Part IV

June 2009 paper from the IMF, titled The Economics of Bank Restructuring: Understanding the Options by Augustin Landier and Kenichi Ueda is something Minister Lenihan and indeed the entire Irish Cabinet should have read, and probably would have read if their economic advisers actually did their jobs. But, of course, the readers of this free (unlike Alan Ahearne's advice) blog can read it here.

Here is a summary (italics are mine):

"This note ...evaluates various restructuring options for systemically important banks. The note assumes that the government aims to reduce the probability of a bank's default and keep the burden on taxpayers at a minimum [a tall assumption for own Government, but hey...].

...If debt contracts can be renegotiated easily, the probability of default can be reduced without any government involvement by a debt-for-equity swap. Such a swap, if appropriately designed, would not make equity holders or debt holders worse off. However, such restructurings are hard to pull off in practice because of the difficulty of coordinating among many stakeholders, the need for speed, and the concerns of the potential systemic impact of rewriting debt contracts.

When debt contracts cannot be changed, transfers from the taxpayer are necessary. Debt holders benefit from a lower default probability. Absent government transfers, their gains imply a decrease in equity value. Shareholders will therefore oppose the restructuring unless they receive transfers from taxpayers.

The required transfer amounts vary across restructuring plans. Asset sales are more costly for taxpayers than asset guarantees or recapitalizations. [We know thi - NAMA will ask us to pony up €60bn in bonds, plus another €10bn+ in recapitalization funds on top of already awarded €7bn+ - all for bailing out a system that in its entirety is worth no more than €10bn]. This is because sales are not specifically targeted to reduce the probability of default. Guarantees or recapitalizations affect default risk more directly. Transfers can also be reduced if the proceeds of new issues are used to buy back debt.

Depending on the options chosen, restructuring may generate economic gains. These gains should be maximized. Separating out bad assets can help managers focus on typical bank management issues and thereby increases productivity. Because government often lacks the necessary expertise to run a bank or manage assets, it should utilize private sector expertise [Now, if you read NAMA legislation, the system will rely on NAMA-own employees to run risk and credit committees - what 'private sector expertise'?]. Low up-front transfers can help prevent misuse of taxpayer money [Well, NAMA will have up-front transfers of some €60bn!In contrast, my proposal for the banks to take market-driven writedowns before NAMA transfers would minimise this.]. Moreover, the design of bank managers' compensation should provide incentives to maximize future profits.

If participation is voluntary, a restructuring plan needs to appeal to banks. Bank managers often know the quality of their assets better than the market does. This means banks looking for new financing will be perceived by the market to have more toxic assets and, as a result, face higher financing costs. Banks will therefore be reluctant to participate in a restructuring plan and demand more taxpayer transfers. A restructuring that uses hybrid instruments - such as convertible bonds or preferred shares - mitigates this problem because it does not signal that the bank is in a dire situation. [Of course, NAMA is all about one instrument - taxpayers' cash] In addition, asset guarantees that are well designed can be more advantageous to taxpayers than equity recapitalizations. [Well, of course we had no 'well-designed' guarantees - we have a blanket guarantee. And thus we also have subsequent recapitalizations. And now NAMA. And after NAMA - more recapitalizations... I mean this Government and its advisers wouldn't last long in a junior policy research job at the IMF...] A compulsory program, if feasible, would obviously eliminate any signaling concerns. Information problems can also be mitigated if the government gathers and publicizes accurate information on banks' assets. [NAMA is a compulsory programme. And yet, despite the IMF advice, it is reliant on a sweet-heart deal for the banks with total disregard for the taxpayers' interests. Reckless? Venal? You decide.]

In summary, systemic bank restructuring should combine several elements to address multiple concerns and trade-offs on a case-by-case basis. In any plan, the costs to taxpayers and the final beneficiaries of the subsidies should be transparent. [NAMA legislation makes its operations fully concealed from any public scrutiny and fully indemnified against any charges of reckless waste of taxpayers' resources. It even makes it impenetrable to the courts.] To forestall future financial crises, managers and shareholders should be held accountable and face punitive consequences. [This is explicitly prevented in the NAMA legislation] In the long run, various frictions should be reduced to make systemic bank restructuring quicker, less complex, and less costly.

I rest my case. In a nutshell, even by IMF standards, NAMA is a monster that will willingly or recklessly defraud the Irish taxpayers.

Economics 01/08/2009: Wealth Tax

Someone asked me recently to confirm my assertion - made few months back on TV 3 programme - that a 100% tax on wealth of the Irish members of the Sunday Times Rich List 2009 will last this Government, oh, well, under 5 months.

After actually computing the total ROI-based wealth from the List and taking some adjustments, Table below shows clearly the break down of such a (extremely foolish) tax. Of course, this is a fantasy land, but it does highlight for me the idiocy of our Left wing fanatics.

As you can see, a brutish calculation puts the net take from such an exercise at a maximum of €30bn one-shot gain for the Exchequer - or an equivalent of 4 months and 22 days of Government spending (I was pretty much on target in my original statement).

Factoring in the fact that large chunk of this wealth is held by property investors and construction firms owners, whose wealth has been evaporating since December 2008 when the list was compiled and that the list reflects their wealth as assessed on last filed accounts (2007 or earlier), and taking into account that any half-sane person would diversify her holdings geographically, putting a share of her assets out of reach of the Irish Exchequer, this figure drops to €18bn, or 2 months 25 days worth of Government spending planned for 2010.

Taking into account legal costs and assets seepage during the process of collection, the entire Irish Top Rich List 2009 wealth, if it were seized by the Government, would last our Exchequer no more than 2 months and 17 days.

But, one has to take into the account the facts that:
  • public spending economic multiplier is zero, while
  • private spending multiplier is a positive number dependent on the Marginal Propensity to Consumer out of Wealth, Marginal Propensity to Invest out of Wealth-generated income, the returns to wealth and the velocity of money in this economy; and
  • the fact that the Exchequer collects revenue from this wealth
all of which will be foregone if the Exchequer were to seize this wealth in one swoop.

When these factors are accounted for, the Exchequer will be covered for only 1 month and 27 days by the 100% levy on all wealth of the ROI Top Rich List 2009.

What a pack of morons represent economic arguments of the Left of this country!

Friday, July 31, 2009

Economics 31/07/09: NAMA Part III

The NAMA Legislation provides some stunningly simplistic and outright primitive economic analysis. This is contained in Part 5 of the Bill (once again, italics are mine):


Determination of acquisition values—valuation methodology.

58.—(1) In this section—
(a) a reference to the current market value of the property comprised in the security for a credit facility that is a bank asset is a reference to the estimated amount that would be paid between a willing buyer and a willing seller...
(b) a reference to the current market value of a bank asset is a reference to the estimated amount that would be paid between a willing buyer and a willing seller in an arm’s-length transaction...

[In other words, the difference between the two values is that the property value is a valuation of the collateral, while the asset value is the valuation of the loan drawn against this collateral as an asset. This difference should capture: counterparty risk, liquidity risk, expected return risk, lien risk and term structure risks. None are specified or explicitly required for pricing in the NAMA legislation.]

(c) a reference to the long-term economic value of the property [bank asset, per point (d) below] comprised in the security for a credit facility that is a bank asset is a reference to the value that the property can reasonably be expected to attain in a stable financial system when current crisis conditions are ameliorated and in which a future price or
yield of the asset is consistent with reasonable expectations having regard to the
long-term historical average...

[So, implicitly, this statement assumes an imposition of some assumptions on:
  • What constitutes a stable financial system and how does this system impact the pricing in operative markets - something that is virtually impossible to ascertain as the only functional markets we have a history of relate to the property bubble period? Was our financial system stable when we were lending x10 times income to home buyers? Or was it stable when the likes of AIB were embroiled in a series of massive scandals?
  • What constitutes an amelioration of the current crisis - with further issues arising as to what crisis is being meant in this context: the crisis in property markets? in banking? in credit supply? in money supply? in financial assets? in the economy at large? in the Exchequer revenue? in the labour markets? in the markets for land sites? or in demographics? or in all the above?
  • What is the relationship that determines the future (expected?) price of an asset or a yield on the asset and what is the assumed relationship between the yield and the price? What determines the relevant expectations mechanism?
  • What is the long-term historical average? A 10-year historical average taken from today back 10 years is one thing. A 5 year one is another. Yet a third number can be obtained if the historic average is taken back from some date in the past (say 2007 to 1998) and so on. In reality, there is an infinite number of long-term historic averages that can be taken. Which one will be selected and on what basis is never attempted to be answered in the document.]

(2) Subject to subsection (4), the acquisition value of a bank asset is its long-term economic value as determined by NAMA.

[Well, see above on long-term economic valuation, but in effect this is the statement that says it all - there is no price, there is no pricing model, there is not even a hint at the pricing model fundamentals. This is a botched economic analysis that would not warrant a permission to buy a typewriter for the DofF, let alone to 'invest' Euro 90bn into any undertaking. And this problem is compunded by the fact that this Bill seals the hatches on risk and credit committees operating NAMA by requiring that their members be NAMA employees or directors and not establishing any independent presence on these committees. This is like having a reactor heading into a meltdown and shutting down your monitoring systems because they are flashing red.]

(3) NAMA shall determine the long-term economic value of a bank asset by reference to the following:
(a) the current market value of the property comprised in the security for the credit facility that is the bank asset at a date specified by NAMA;
(b) the current market value of the bank asset, at a date specified by NAMA, by reference to market rates and accepted market methodology;
(c) the long-term economic value of the property referred to in paragraph (a) at the date referred to in that paragraph...

[This is incomprehensible gibberish, folks. It has neither any meaning nor economic or financial justification whatsoever. There are no accepted market rates, for there is no market for these securities and/or assets other than at extremely deep discounts that Minister Lenihan has already ruled out. The legislation provides nothing for testing the market - as I suggested in one of the required bullet points below.]

(4) NAMA may, if it considers it appropriate after consultation with the Minister, and subject to any regulations made by the Minister under subsection (5)... determine that the acquisition value to be assigned to particular bank assets or class of bank assets shall be—
(i) their current market value, or
(ii) a greater value (not exceeding their long-term economic value) that NAMA
considers appropriate in the circumstances.
[But not a lesser value, note. And once again, since there is no market value or a mechanism to attempt establishing some market value testing, this means NAMA will pay above market value for all assets. Furthermore, this section explicitly commits NAMA to use taxpayer funds to pay the real price or more for the given loan! Sickened yet? Ok, let me explain in a bit more detail. There is an auction with only one bidder. The bidder has stated up front that he will pay any price at or above the market price. But there is no market price. Where do you think the seller will set the opening bid at? If the implicit market value, known to the seller, but not the bidder is X, the seller will set an opening bid at X+y, where y is a positive premium on the 'stupidity' of the buyer or on the fact that the buyer has committed to buying the asset and is willing to pay above the market value for it. What will be the reservation price set by the seller? X+y+z, where z is a positive premium on 'desperation' of the buyer to acquire the asset. What will be the price paid by the buyer? X+y+z+v, where v is the premium on seller's skills in convincing the buyer to purchase the asset. v is also non-negative. Done. Basic auction theory, folks. Incidentally, adopting the approach advocated by me in the bullet points below removes: y through forcing the banks to take realistic writedowns first prior to NAMA; and removes z by requiring a simulative establishment of the market which can test the actual price of at least of the assets. One can't really remove v, for the smarter bankers will always be able to sell to the careless or incompetent, or both, authorities that can author this document in the first place.]

(6) In determining the acquisition value of a bank asset under subsection (2) or (4), NAMA shall have regard to the following:
(a) any value that the participating institution concerned submits as being, in its opinion, the current market value of the property comprised in the security for the credit facility that is the bank asset [that's X above];
(b) the acquisition value already determined in accordance with the valuation methodology of another similar bank asset [thats y derived from previous sales];
(c) the credit worthiness of the debtor or obligor concerned [that's v above];
(d) the performance history of the debtor or obligor in respect of that asset [that's v above];
(e) any reports furnished to NAMA in relation to the matters specified in subsection (7) whether prepared before or after the commencement of this Act [that's z above].

[So to recap: NAMA paid price for an Asset = X+y+z+v, where X is 'true' value of the asset; and (y+z+v) is a strictly positive premium accruing to the bank from the economic illiteracy written into this legislation!]

I have covered section 59 of the Act already in the previous post.

I will repeat the list of provisions that must be required before NAMA can be allowed to proceed in every post on NAMA from ehre on:
  • Provisions for taxpayer protection and provision for a taxpayers' oversight board filled with only independent observers, who are not in the employment of NAMA, NTMA, the State or any other party to NAMA undertaking;
  • Complete and comprehensive balance sheet and cost/benefit analysis of the undertaking;
  • Exact upper and lower limits for banks equity the taxpayers will receive in return for NAMA funds and post-NAMA recapitalization funding;
  • The exact procedures for divesting out of the banks shares in 3-5-7 years time with exact legal commitment by the state to disburse any and all surplus funds (over and above the costs) directly to the taxpayers in a form of either banks shares or cash;
  • The formula for imposing a serious haircut (60%+) on banks bond holders, possibly with some sort of a debt for equity swap and a restriction that NAMA cannot purchase any rolled up interest acrued since the latest 'restructuring' of a loan;
  • A recourse to all developers' own assets - applied retroactively to July 2008 when the first noises of a rescue plan started;
  • The list of qualifications for any bank to participate in NAMA, including, but not limited to, the caps on executive compensation at the banks and the requirement to set up a truly independent, veto-wielding risk assessment committee at each bank with a mandatory requirement for a position of a taxpayers' representative on the board that cannot be occupied by a civil servant or anyone who has worked in the industry in the last 10 years;
  • A requirement that risk and credit committees of NAMA include at least 51% majority of independent experts who cannot be employees of the state, NAMA or any toher parties to this undertaking;
  • A condition that the banks must undergo loan book evaluation prior to transfer of any loans to NAMA, the results of which will be made public - on the web - instantaneously - and will impose a requirement on the banks to write down their assets, again before NAMA purchases any of them, by the requisite amounts to balance their own books in line with valuations;
  • A condition that any loan purchased by NAMA be placed on the open market for the period of 2 weeks and that NAMA will not pay any amount in excess of the bids received (if any), with a prohibition for the participating banks to bid on these loans;
  • A condition that every NAMA loan should be publicly disclosed, including its valuations and bids it receives in the auction stage of the process;
  • A stipulation that all and any regulatory authorities (and their senior level employees) that were involved in regulating the banking and housing sector in this country take a mandatory pension cut of 50% and return any and all lump sum funds they collected upon their retirement;
  • A provision for dealing with the speculatively zoned land to be acquired by NAMA, i.e orderly de-zoning of this land and transfer of this land to either public (if no bidders arise) or private use consistent with sustainable agricultural development, environmental improvements, public use or forestry;
  • The measures to prevent banks from beefing up their profit margins through squeezing their preforming customers;
  • The measures to force the banks to reduce their cost bases by laying off surplus workers;
  • The measures for accounting (in a transparent and fully publicly accessible fashion) on a quarterly basis for NAMA operations and the performance of the state-supported banks.
If I forget something, please, let me know...

Economics 31/07/2009: NAMA Part II

And now slightly more on theat NAMAster:

Remember the levy that the Government dangled in front of the taxpayers as a sign of loss protection or minimization to be built into NAMA. Well, word 'lvey' does not appear in the entire legislation. Not even in a tocken fashion. Not even as a lip service.

And yet, bad and all as this idea might have been, the levy on the banks was announced by Minister Lenihan, repeatedly, as the only means for recouping losses on NAMA. As a friend and colleague remarked, "even that figleaf of taxpayer saving is gone'.

The document reads:
"In making regulations under subsection (1), the Minister may [my emphasis] have regard—
(a) to the rules in relation to State aid and any relevant guidance issued by the Commission of the European Communities [as if he can avoid this under the EU rules], and

(b) in relation to the determination of the long-term economic value of the property comprised in the credit facility that is a bank asset, to—

(i) the extent to which the price or yield of the asset has deviated from the long-term historical average [the half-wits who wrote this don't even understand that our historical averages are so severely skewed by a lengthy bubble in the property markets, that a return to these averages will take well over a decade],

(ii) supply and demand projections by reference to the type of asset and its location,
(iii) macroeconomic projections for growth in the gross domestic product and for inflation,
(iv) demographic projections,
[Who is going to supply these projections? Our forecasters - the DofF, the CB, let alone completely inadequate Forfas and Fas - are so grossly inaccurate in their usual predictions that you might as well use a crystal ball. One good example is the CB - this institution has been frantically issuing new forecasts on a monthly basis in order to catch up with the published forecasts by the private sector.]

(v) land and planning considerations (including national, regional or local authority development or spatial plans) that may exert an influence on the future value of the asset concerned,
(vi) analyses presented by the Minister of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on the extent to which existing land zoning and planning permissions granted and in force meet or exceed projected growth requirements, and
(vii) analyses presented by the Dublin Transport Office and the National Transport Authority of existing and future transport planning and the associated supply and demand projections for land use.
[As I told the meeting of the Green Party recently, all of this means only one thing - the fig leaf of decorum awarded to the Green Ministers for their singing on the dotted line will see NAMA as a continuation of the development patterns that were based on utterly mad and unsustainable vision of spatial development in Ireland. In effect, the Green Party has lost all and any moral ground to stand on when it signed up to the development model (under NAMA) that cuts across the entire philosophy of the Greens.]

(c) in relation to the determination of the long term economic value of bank assets, to—
(i) the long-term economic value of the property comprised in the security for a credit facility that is a bank asset,
(ii) the net present value of the anticipated income stream associated with the loan asset,
(iii) in the case of rental property, current and projected vacancy rates,
(iv) loan margins,
(v) an appropriate discount rate to reflect NAMA’s cost of funds plus a margin that represents an adequate remuneration to the State that takes account of the risk in relation to the bank assets acquired by NAMA,
(vi) the mark-to-market value of any derivative contracts associated with the bank asset,
(vii) any ancillary security such as personal guarantees and corporate assets,and
(viii) fees reflecting the costs of loan operation, maintenance and enforcement, and

[This lengthy passage tells me right away that NAMA will operate as a banking sector's out of town office. The primacy of taxpayer protection absent in the legislation and the length afforded to the protection of the banks' bottom line is the destruction of the private sector economy on the vast scale. Incidentally, it is also a sealing of banks into servitude to the Exchequer, implying that from the day of NAMA instituion, Bank of Ireland, AIB, IL&P and other participating banks will be Japanese-styled zombies. A short-term pain relief turns a long term cancer!]

I will repeat the list of provisions that must be required before NAMA can be allowed to proceed in every post on NAMA from ehre on:
  • Provisions for taxpayer protection and provision for a taxpayers' oversight board filled with only independent observers, who are not in the employment of NAMA, NTMA, the State or any other party to NAMA undertaking;
  • Complete and comprehensive balance sheet and cost/benefit analysis of the undertaking;
  • Exact upper and lower limits for banks equity the taxpayers will receive in return for NAMA funds and post-NAMA recapitalization funding;
  • The exact procedures for divesting out of the banks shares in 3-5-7 years time with exact legal commitment by the state to disburse any and all surplus funds (over and above the costs) directly to the taxpayers in a form of either banks shares or cash;
  • The formula for imposing a serious haircut (60%+) on banks bond holders, possibly with some sort of a debt for equity swap and a restriction that NAMA cannot purchase any rolled up interest acrued since the latest 'restructuring' of a loan;
  • A recourse to all developers' own assets - applied retroactively to July 2008 when the first noises of a rescue plan started;
  • The list of qualifications for any bank to participate in NAMA, including, but not limited to, the caps on executive compensation at the banks and the requirement to set up a truly independent, veto-wielding risk assessment committee at each bank with a mandatory requirement for a position of a taxpayers' representative on the board that cannot be occupied by a civil servant or anyone who has worked in the industry in the last 10 years;
  • A requirement that risk and credit committees of NAMA include at least 51% majority of independent experts who cannot be employees of the state, NAMA or any toher parties to this undertaking;
  • A condition that the banks must undergo loan book evaluation prior to transfer of any loans to NAMA, the results of which will be made public - on the web - instantaneously - and will impose a requirement on the banks to write down their assets, again before NAMA purchases any of them, by the requisite amounts to balance their own books in line with valuations;
  • A condition that any loan purchased by NAMA be placed on the open market for the period of 2 weeks and that NAMA will not pay any amount in excess of the bids received (if any), with a prohibition for the participating banks to bid on these loans;
  • A condition that every NAMA loan should be publicly disclosed, including its valuations and bids it receives in the auction stage of the process;
  • A stipulation that all and any regulatory authorities (and their senior level employees) that were involved in regulating the banking and housing sector in this country take a mandatory pension cut of 50% and return any and all lump sum funds they collected upon their retirement;
  • A provision for dealing with the speculatively zoned land to be acquired by NAMA, i.e orderly de-zoning of this land and transfer of this land to either public (if no bidders arise) or private use consistent with sustainable agricultural development, environmental improvements, public use or forestry;
  • The measures to prevent banks from beefing up their profit margins through squeezing their preforming customers;
  • The measures to force the banks to reduce their cost bases by laying off surplus workers;
  • The measures for accounting (in a transparent and fully publicly accessible fashion) on a quarterly basis for NAMA operations and the performance of the state-supported banks.
If I forget something, please, let me know...

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Economics 31/07/2009: NAMA legislation Part 1

Over the next few days I will be posting my thoughts on NAMA legislation. But here is a quick first installment:

A search of PDF document reveals that:
  1. The word 'taxpayer' appears in the entire legislation only once. Despite the taxpayers being the sole payee for the scheme;
  2. Words 'Taxpayers representation' do not appear in the document at all;
  3. Words 'Taxpayers interest' do not appear in the document at all;
  4. Words 'stop-loss' do not appear in the document at all;
  5. Words 'transparency', 'public interest' (outside the scope of court decisions) and 'public information' do not appear at all;
  6. 'Public disclosure' only applies to restricting such in the cases of expert opinions;
  7. Word 'loss' appears in the legislation only in the areas of:
  • Giving NAMA power to issue complex derivative instruments to hedge against "the risk of loss arising from changes in interest rates, currency exchange rates or other factors of a similar nature, to eliminate or reduce the costs of raising funds or borrowing or the cost
    of other transactions carried out in the ordinary course of business, or increasing return on investment. No stop-loss rules on these derivatives are envisioned, as if they are risk free;
  • In making sure that "participating institutions to indemnify NAMA. 111.—(1) If NAMA or a NAMA group entity so directs, a participating institution shall indemnify NAMA or the NAMA group entity and its officers against any liability or loss..." In other words, the Government employees and NAMA will be protected from any loss claims, but not the taxpayers. Minister Leniham did his job of shielding his cronies well.
6. "30.—(1) As soon as practicable after the establishment day, the Board shall establish 3 committees, and appoint members to them, as follows: (a) an audit committee; (b) a credit committee; (c) a risk committee." There is no independent committee membership requirements, with all, save two members of each committee appointable by the Board of NAMA, and the remaining two - by the Minister.

Actually, worse that that: "(5) The members of the credit committee and the risk committee shall be members of the Board or officers of NAMA. At least 2 members of each of those committees shall be members of the Board." Thus, there will be no independent oversight over risk and credit decisions by NAMA. Not even in theory.

"31.—(1) The Board may establish such advisory committees as it considers necessary or desirable to advise it in the performance of its functions. ...(4) The Board shall determine the terms of reference and procedures of an advisory committee." There will be no statutory requirement for independent oversight of NAMA - cronies run cronies' loans.

7. "Indemnification of members of Board and officers of NAMA, etc. 32.—(1) This section applies to the following: (a) each member of the Board; (b) each officer of NAMA; (c) a director of a NAMA wholly owned subsidiary; (d) a director of a NAMA group entity; (e) a member of the staff of the NTMA. (2) A person to whom this section applies is indemnified in relation to anything done or omitted in the performance or purported performance or exercise of any of NAMA’s functions or powers under this Act, unless it is proved that the act or omission was in bad faith." So the incompetence can never be penalised - a standard practice for Mr Leniham's pets in the public sector.

And a succinct summary of the legislation (hat tip to Richard W):

More to come, so stay tuned, but this already bad enough...

Economics 29/07/2009: NAMA time horizon

Peter Bacon on today's Morning Ireland has stated that the time horizon for the real estate cycle built into NAMA assumptions is between 5 and 10 years. I have written about this assumption in the previous post (here). Assuming that what is meant by the 'cycle' here is peak-to-peak U-cycle, the most conservative Government estimate, then, is for the growth of 14.86% annually in house prices, if we are now at the bottom of the cycle. Oh, that is realistic, of course, but only if the Government spends the next few months blowing up - physically - so much housing stock in this country that it will create a massive overhang in demand over supply. Good luck!

But there is an added complication that was revealed by Liam Carroll's examinership case. As we all knew, loans to developers, by and large - all developers - to date have not been serviced with interest roll overs becoming a routine at the very latest mid 2008. This means that by the time NAMA purchases a given loan with face value €X, given the reasonably expected average rate of interest on refinanced loans of 8-11%, this loan will be refelective of:
  • 12.24-16.95% cumulative rate of rolled interest, plus
  • the orignal principal of €0.8305-0.8776 to the Euro of the face value of the loan
Now, suppose NAMA applies a haircut of 25% on the loan, so we buy €1 of the loan at a price of €0.75. What do we get for that €0.75? A loan that had at the time of its origination an underlying asset value of €0.83-0.88. So the real face value discount we are getting is 0.75/0.83 - 0.75/0.88 or 9.64% to 14.77%.

But wait, the actual principal (face value) amount has depreciated by, say, roughly 50% since the time the loan was written, so in reality, the discount NAMA will take will be negative 70-78%! What does it mean? Take a simple analogy. You walk into a shop and see a TV advertised 'For Sale'. The signs reads:
Original Price €100.00
Sale Price €178.00
How fast will you walk away from this 'deal'?

NAMA will overpay for the assets it buys on a vast scale!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Economics 28/07/09: NAMA & Liam Carroll's Case

Of course, the news is in - NAMA got Cabinet approval around 7 pm tonight. This does not change much - we still have a battle to wage to ensure that proper taxpayer protection and risk management, as well as investment strategies and stop-loss rules are put in place, but we are now one step further away from seeing it done.

Per RTE report (here), the High Court has delayed its decision to Friday afternoon on an application by six companies controlled by property developer Liam Carroll to have an examiner appointed to them. There are several significant implications of this for NAMA.

First: it is now clear that any decision will hang over the weekend, providing for increased uncertainty in the banks shares valuations in the days before Monday. Irish banks shares are currently valued as a call option on success of NAMA. If Carroll is not granted an examinership, this will open up a floodgate for the banks to race to force the receivership on other developers in a hope of salvaging whatever value they can under the prospect that NAMA will distort the seniority structure of debts. This, in turn will act to reduce the scope of assets left for NAMA to pick off the banks balancesheets and will force the banks to write down the loans under receivership. The resulting decrease in the future valuation of the big 3 Irish banks will translate in the fall of the value of a call option, thereby reducing the price of the banks shares. Forcing the Carroll decision to Friday afternoon leaves the markets in a serious uncertainty for the next 3 trading days – an uncertainty where anyone staying long in Irish banks shares has a 50:50 chance of not coming out alive, comes the opening bell on Monday.

Second: about that 50:50 chance. Reading into RTE report, one gets a serious sense that examinership might be denied to Carroll. “Senior Counsel Michael Cush said the companies, and the wider Zoe group of which they are a part, had historically been very successful property development businesses. But he said more recently they had experienced difficulty due to credit problems, the downturn in the property market, and problems with investments. In particular, he said difficulties arising from the development of a new headquarters for Anglo Irish Bank at North Wall Quay in Dublin had created significant difficulties. He said Vantive Holdings is now clearly insolvent, as are three other companies related to it. If liquidated, he said, the estimated deficiency of the group as a whole would be over €1 billion.”

This indicates that indeed, aside from historical record, there is no chance for a recovery of the business and that receivership, not examinership should be applied.

Mr Cush also said that “following the drawing up of a business plan in 2008, seven of the companies' eight banks had supported the continuation of the businesses. He said this had required huge forbearance from the banks. Part of the plan, he said, had seen AIB and Bank of Scotland Ireland make available additional finance to pay back third party unsecured creditors, which had since been done. Another feature of the plan saw seven of the banks agree to a moratorium on repayment of the loans and the rolling up of interest. But he said ACCBank, which is owed €136m, or 10% of the six companies' bank debts, had taken a different view, and its intention to have the companies wound up had prompted the application for examinership.”

This is also significant not only because it is showing the scale of banks’ willingness to roll over for large developers – itself hardly a laudable practice – but because it shows clearly that currently insolvent businesses continue to accumulate liabilities (rolled up interest and fresh demands for continuity funding) that are simply cannot be repaid, ever. Again, examinership is not warranted here, since loss minimizations should require an immediate appointment of a receiver to wind down the companies. In fact, this claim invalidates the ‘hardship’ argument about receivership resulting in €1bn loss on current obligations, as it shows that this loss is only going to increase under the case of examinership that will not be able to introduce any chance of reducing the probability of such a loss.

Mr Cush “said that given time, forbearance of the banks (none of which is opposing the examinership application) and the orderly disposal of assets, there has to be a prospect of survival for the companies. He also pointed out that the companies are not envisaging having to write off any of the money they owe the banks, and intend repaying in full.” This is simply impossible under the conditions outlined by Mr Cush in previous paragraphs.

“The court also heard that since the new business plan was put in place [in 2008], the companies had sold 39 residential units, worth €11.7 million.” Which, of course puts these companies cash flow at maximum €23mln pa, with expected loss of €1bn and the combined debt of companies of ca €1.4bn. Now, at 11% yield, the cost of servicing this debt will be around €154mln pa – hardly a sign of ‘survivability’ of the companies.

“Summing up, Mr Cush said it was a most unusual application for examinership as it was not being opposed by any creditors, no debts were being written down, and 90% of creditors were co-operating, all of which must satisfy the requirement for there to be a reasonable prospect of survival.” What Mr Cush neglected to mention is that the lack of opposition by the debtors is simply a jostling for seniority between Irish banks, not a reflection on survivability of the firm.

Carroll’s case shows conclusively that NAMA will transfer liability of the banks and developers onto the taxpayers that is well in excess of the original borrowings. Rolled up interest, operating capital injections and other soft budget constraints for insolvent businesses, like Carroll’s empire were accepted by the banks solely on the anticipation of a state bailout (otherwise these banks actively engaged in destroying their shareholders’ wealth by undertaking knowingly reckless decisions). Once again, the markets have neglected this risk. They might have to reprice that call on Irish banks shares now, or risk being repriced by the more proactive traders comes Monday.

Monday, July 27, 2009

Economics 27/07/2009: NAMA, ILandP rate hike, US home sales and redemptions

So NAMA failed the first day of Cabinet debate. We know this much - even RTE managed to issue a post, although the Montrose boys lacking anything real to report managed to produce a cheerful note on the debacle. Oh, how much they want the State to succeed in soaking the private sector...

But what really hides behind the Cabinet in-decision? Well, it is rumored that not the (allegedly) ethical Greens, but Mr Cowen's own troops are unhappy about NAMA. Some senior ministers, as I hear, are saying 'Hold on, we'll have to face constituency out there one day and you are about to load an average person (25 yo+) in this country with some €20K in fresh debt from the bankers and developers alone'. Good for them. And I certainly hope the Greens also stand up and tell Mr Cowen where to pack that NAMA idea.

Oh, and apparently, the DofF men are saying that the 'long term economic' value under the NAMA formula will be based on, well, more than 5 and less than 9 years. Hmmm... What does this mean? It means that NAMA should be expected to break even (at the very least) were we to price the property assets to be purchased into NAMA on this 'long term' valuation basis. Ok... but...

First there is one majour issue here - in real world of economics, long-term market value usually means a long-term past average or trend. What it means for NAMAphiles is thatwe will be forecasting the values forward over some long-term horizon. Anyone familiar with forecasting knows that this, in reality, means that we will be in a completely arbitrary forecasting territory. In other words, for DofF to say we want to take current discounts based on future values projected 5, 7, or 9 years ahead is like saying 'we'll name the price and then justify it afterward'.

But wait, there is also a problem with the way the DofF is allegedly timing the cycle.

Calculated Risk blog (see below) - the top forecaster for US housing market shows expected time to the bottom in price in the US residential market of 5-7 years. Do you think we gonna get there in this time here in Ireland? No. We have had worse correction in the market to date than Japan, who are 20 years into the downturn in their property markets and still not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel.

And NBER research paper 8966 (BOOM-BUSTS IN ASSET PRICES, ECONOMIC INSTABILITY, AND MONETARY POLICY by Michael D. Bordo and Olivier Jeanne) has a handy set of charts at the end, showing the most recent busts in property markets in the OECD economies. Ratios of boom length to bust duration are (defining as boom - trough to peak prices, bust - peak to trough):
  • Australia 1980s: 3 years of boom, 7 years of bust: ratio of 3:7;
  • Denmark 1980s: 4 years of boom 7 years of bust: ratio of 4:7;
  • Finland 1990s: 4 years of boom, 6 years of bust ratio of 2:3;
  • Germany 1980s: 4 years of boom, 7 years of bust: ratio of 4:7;
  • Ireland 1970s-1980s: 3 years of boom, 7 years of bust: ratio of 3:7;
  • Italy 1970s-1980s: 3 years of boom, 6 years of bust: ratio of 1:2;
  • Italy 1990s: 4 years of boom, 6 years of bust: ratio of 2:3;
  • Japan 1970s: 2 years of boom, 4 years of bust: ratio of 3:4;
  • Japan 1985-today: 6 years of boom and 19 years of bust: ratio of 6:19;
  • Netherlands, 1970s-1980s: 4 years of boom, 8 years of bust: ratio 1:2;
  • Norway 1980s-1990s: 4 years of boom, 6 years of bust: ratio 2:3;
  • Spain 1970s-1980s: 2 years of boom, 5 years of bust: ratio 2:5;
  • Sweden 1970s-1980s: 4 years of boom, 7 years of bust: ratio 4:7;
  • Sweden 1980s-1990s: 3 years of boom, 7 years of bust: ratio 3:7;
  • UK 1970s: 2 years of boom, 4 years of bust: ratio 1:2;
  • UK 1990s: 4 years of boom, 7 years of bust: ratio 4:7
So average ratio is 1.874 years of bust per year of boom... and that means that, given we had 5 years of a boom that the historical data suggests a bust of 9.4 years duration at an average. That is 9.4 years to a trough in Irish property prices! Not to a realization of some miraculous 'long term economic value', but to a trough.

Well, let's take a look at the same data from the point of view of time to full return to pre-crisis property prices, or peak to trough (nominal prices):
  • Australia 1980s: 18 years from 1981 through 1998;
  • Denmark 1980s-1990s: 8 years (1979-1986) and 13 years (1986-1998);
  • Finland 1990s: 1989-2004 or 16 years;
  • Germany 1970s: 1973- today... oh yeah, right - some 36 years;
  • Ireland 1979 to 1995 or 17 years;
  • Italy 1981- through today... right, so that's about 29 years;
  • Japan: 1973 through 1986: 14 years;
  • Japan 1990- today: 20 years;
  • Netherlands, 1978 through 1998: 21 years;
  • Norway 1987 through 2003: 17 years;
  • Spain 1978-1987: 10 years;
  • Spain 1991-1998: 8 years;
  • Sweden 1979-today or 31 years;
  • UK 1973-1987: 15 years;
  • UK 1989-2000: 12 years.
So average peak to trough for 'long term nominal economic value' is 17.8 years. Again, given our peak at 2007 we have to look forward to NAMA recovering peak valuations at around, hmmm... 2026... But wait - not all corrections were steep enough to match ours... so let's isolate those that were:
  • Australia 1980s: 18 years;
  • Finland 1990s: 16 years;
  • Germany 1970s: 36 years;
  • Italy 1981: 29 years;
  • Japan 1990: 20 years;
  • Netherlands, 1978: 21 years;
  • Norway 1987: 17 years;
  • Sweden 1979: 31 years;
  • UK 1973: 15 years
Which yields an average of 22.6 years, pushing our recovery to beyond 2030. By this standard, a break even value for NAMA should be based on something closer to 15-16 years, if we are to take a 20-25% haircut on current book values of the loans.

So DofF is talking about under 9 years then... I see... ah, the poverty of expectations...

The Government has time to get it right - they have the entire month of August to sort the new piece of legislation on NAMA, outlining in details:
  • Provisions for taxpayer protection;
  • Complete and comprehensive balance sheet and cost/benefit analysis of the undertaking;
  • Exact amount of equity the taxpayers will receive in return for NAMA funds (hmmm, 100% would be a good starting point);
  • The exact procedures for divesting out of the banks shares in 3-5 years time with exact legal obligation to disburse any and all surplus funds (over and above the costs) directly to the taxpayers in a form of either banks shares or cash;
  • The formula for imposing a serious haircut (60%+) on banks bond holders, possibly with some sort of a debt for equity swap;
  • A recourse to all developers' own assets - applied retroactively to July 2008 when the first noises of a rescue plan started;
  • The list of qualifications for any bank to participate in NAMA, including, but not limited to, the caps on executive compensation at the banks and the requirement to set up a truly independent, veto-wielding risk assessment committee at each bank with a mandatory requirement for a position of a taxpayers' representative on the board that cannot be occupied by a civil servant or anyone who has worked in the industry in the last 10 years;
  • Provision for a taxpayers' board, electable directly by people, to oversee the functioning of NAMA;
  • A condition that the banks must undergo loan book evaluation prior to transfer of any loans to NAMA, the results of which will be made public - on the web - instantaneously - and will impose a requirement on the banks to write down their assets, again before NAMA purchases any of them, by the requisite amounts to balance their own books in line with valuations;
  • A condition that any loan purchased by NAMA be placed on the open market for the period of 2 weeks and that NAMA will not pay any amount in excess of the bids received (if any), with a prohibition for the participating banks to bid on these loans;
  • A condition that every NAMA loan should be publicly disclosed, including its valuations and bids it receives in the auction stage of the process;
  • A stipulation that all and any regulatory authorities (and their senior level employees) that were involved in regulating the banking and housing sector in this country take a mandatory pension cut of 50% and return any and all lump sum funds they collected upon their retirement;
  • A provision for dealing with the speculatively zoned land to be acquired by NAMA, i.e orderly de-zoning of this land and transfer of this land to either public (if no bidders arise) or private use consistent with sustainable agricultural development, environmental improvements, public use or forestry;
  • The measures to prevent banks from beefing up their profit margins through squeezing their preforming customers;
  • The measures to force the banks to reduce their cost bases by laying off surplus workers;
  • The measures for accounting (in a transparent and fully publicly accessible fashion) on a quarterly basis for NAMA operations and the performance of the state-supported banks.
If I forget something, please, let me know...

Oh and on the topic of IL&P predatory rate hike for adjustable rate mortgages, here is a brilliant argument as to why Minister Lenihan must intervene to stop the practice of soaking the ordinary consumers to pay for past banks follies. Read it and think - can any government, acting in the interest of the broader economy and taxpayers and voters be so reckless in its attempts to hide behind 'protecting the markets' arguments as to willingly sacrifice its own people on the altar of cronyism. And do remember - I am a free marketeer, and a proud one, yet I see no moral strength in Lenihan's arguments.

US data is now showing more serious signs of an uplift... or does it? Sales of new homes rose 11% in June is a sign that some decided to interpret as a return to growth. I wouldn't be so trigger happy myself - this is the largest rise in new homes sales since... oh you'd think like somewhere in 2006? no - since November 2008. This is volatile series and the seasonally adjusted rate of 384,000 new homes sales in a month is, while impressive, way off the old highs. Thus sales are still down 21.3% on already abysmal levels of 2008 so far this year.

Here is what my favourite US housing guys - - had to say about the latest rise: a W-shaped bottoming out is coming. And a superb chart from the source:
Or, in the words of the blog author:"There will probably be two bottoms for Residential Real Estate. The first will be for new home sales, housing starts and residential investment. The second bottom will be for prices. Sometimes these bottoms can happen years apart. I think it is likely that we've seen the bottom for new home sales and single family starts, but not for prices. It is way too early to try to call the bottom in prices. House prices will probably fall for another year or more. My original prediction (a few years ago) was that real house prices would fall for 5 to 7 years (after 2005), and we could start looking for a bottom in the 2010 to 2012 time frame for the bubble areas. That still seems reasonable to me."

And to me too. But what I would caution against is the optimism for the overall property markets. Here are two tidy little reasons:

One: US equitable redemptions are the lags between the property being reported as a non-performing on the loan book of a bank and the time it hits the foreclosure market. Now, these vary by state, with some states having no er provision at all, while others having 9 months plus. The US average is about 4 months. This is what is yet to be reflected in the 'distressed' sales gap - the gap between new home sales and existing homes sales. Chart below illustrates:
Again, the distressed gap is not closing, but both series are pointing up. Now, notice that around November 2008-February 2009, the days of the most fierce destruction of income and wealth worldwide, the number of existent properties on the markets did not rise. Why? The ER lags are kicking in. So take the average of 4 months and get June 2009 to start showing an increase in existent homesales rising - foreclosures are feeding in. This process is likely to continue through months to come.

Two: I would watch the maturity of securitized commercial loans... these are still looming on the horizon for the roll-over (and they are also a problem in Ireland, where most of commercial property lending was securitized)... Comes autumn, expect things to get tough once again... Oh, and then NAMA will coincide with the already tightening credit markets and will take a large chunk of liquidity our of the market... Gotta love that Lenihan/Cowen timing - like two elephants trying to dance polka at a Jewish wedding - loads of broken glass, but not to the delight of the newlyweds...