The latest data is a disaster across the board:
- Tax Revenues are down 17.57% yoy in nominal terms, total revenue down 16.82% due to the increase in non-tax revenue, constituting, among other things a massive rip off of Irish consumers at the Dublin Airport and Dublin Port;
- Total current expenditure is up 4.55% yoy in nominal terms;
- As a percentage of GDP, tax revenue used to be 12.19% in 2008, now it is down to 10.99% thanks to the fall off in tax receipts, but overall current receipts declined from 12.41% of GDP to 11.29% - a bit shallower, as the Government continues to squeeze consumers and businesses for non-tax cash;
- Current expenditure has gone through the roof - rising from 14.18% of GDP in 2008 to 16.21% in 2009 - the real cost of public sector excesses (once social welfare increases are factored out);
- Current account deficit ballooned to €8.364bn in January-July 2009, an increase of 155% yoy. This used to account for 1.76% of the nation GDP in 2008. Now it is 4.92% and rising;
- Capital account deficit has gone to €8.075bn in January-July 2009 up 135.3% yoy, and as a share of GDP reaching 4.75% so far, as compared to 1.85% in 2008;
- Subsequently, overall Exchequer Deficit now stands at a whooping €16.44bn - up almost €10bn on 2008, or 145%. The ED now accounts for 9.67% of GDP, up from 3.61% in 2008. Remember that wishful thinking of a single-digit deficit for 2009? Gone in a blink of an eye;
- As a percentage of GDP our total annual borrowings have reached 14.72% in January-July 2009, up from 5.8% in 2008.

Tax Heads:
- Customs, Excise, VAT and CAT down 21-26% yoy;
- Income tax and VAT - two taxes paid by consumers - are rising in overall share of total tax revenue, as Mr Lenihan loads the burden of his Government's unwillingness to cut public sector waste onto the shoulders of average families;
- CGT down a whooping 69.35% yoy despite resurgent markets;
- Stamps down 64.12% yoy predictably;
- Unallocated tax receipts up 55% - presumably on the back of the Revenue going after middle classes to milk out every single penny left in their accounts - anecdotal evidence shows exactly such a predatory behaviour with Revenue officers querrying any out of line items such as medical expenses from families with 3-4 kids;
- Corpo tax is up stron 31.55%, but not because of any green shoots on business front - simply due to changes in the scheduling.

- Clownish numbers from D of Agriculture - spending up 35.12% yoy as the country is going into tail spin. Agriculture used to account for 2.3% of total voted expenditure. It now holds a 3.08 share. Soon, we will have agriculture - contribution to GDP 3%, as a burden on the Exchequer 6%;
- Only 5 departments show double digit reductions on 2008 spending - the minimum target for any serious fiscal stabilization programme in my view. Significantly, CMNR - down 32.16% on 2008, FA - down 19.28%, Transport - down 14.87% and AST down 14.51% are the only ones close or at the target (my minimum target for cuts is in the order of 15-20%);
- CRGA is down 6.05%. When this Government came to power, Brian Cowen has promissed the nation to put Irish at the heart of this Government's policies. Clearly, he is not too enthused about the objective... And yet, seriously speaking, the Department is miles away from serious change: at 6.05 reduction in expenditure, it is 9th ranked in taking appropriate measures out of 13 departments (15 less SFA and H&C);
- Incidentally, H&C are doing their job - they are up only 1.5% yoy despite having to face more demand for free medical services, defaults on medical payments and beraing some of the social welfare costs increases too - Mary Hearney is doing her job;
- Neither Finance Grou (down 9.06% only) nor D of Taoiseach (down 10.25%) are leading in the right direction.

Two other notables in the table above:
- Total non-voted current spending rose 19.24% yoy, with elections cost up 7.54% in 2009 and Oireachtas Commission costs up 6.69% - someone is living large out there in the public sector la-la-land;
- Nat Devel Finance Act spending is also up - 125%, now that is a current expenditure item, not a capital one.
- Income Tax 2.8% behind target, with a shortfall (cumulative) of €185mln;
- VAT is 6% behind target (as one could have predicted in the wake of our disastrous policy proposed and pushed through by the DofF boffins of raising VAT in a small open economy with competitive retail just across the border;
- Corpo and Excise are ahead of target because the boffins cannot forecast the least volatile and inter-linked (via imports of inputs) tax heads;
- Stamps 17.3% below target - which is predictable, unless you are DofF forecaster. You see, they think, alongside with our bankers, that people will simply bottom-out of not buying property etc. Alas, the bottom in the markets for investment and consumption is a Zero expenditure at home. We have some room to travel there still;
- CGT and CAT heads are now 16.7% and 14.4% below target; so
- Across CGT, CAT and Stamps, DofF boffins average monthly error under Budget 2009 (April) estimates is now around 6.1% per month! Wow - and that is for very well paid job-secure workers who have no other responsibilities aside form Budgetary estimates?
- So total tax receipts are now 3% below target. Linear projection implies another 5.2% in deterioration over DofF projections through December - an annual fall off the target of ca 8%, bringing tax revenue to €31.6bn not €34.4bn as envisioned in DofF's April 2009 framework.

And now to the conclusion: it is simply impossible to believe that these numbers can be interpreted by anyone - international or domestic markets participants, shy of the DofF own employees and the delusionary Government we have - as a confirmation that this Government has done anything to address the fiscal crisis. The July stats are simply a loud confirmation of what we knew all along - taxing yourself out of the fiscal overhang does not work! Never will!