Saturday, June 18, 2011

18/06/2011: Research & Teaching Nexus

These are my old slides from a presentation given back in 2006 on the issue of linkages between research and teaching in 3rd level education. Keep in mind - they refer to courses I taught before joining the School of Business at TCD, back in the days when I was in the Department of Economics.

You can magnify individual slides by double-clicking on the picture


mbeta said...

This is really good material. You would certainly score points for CPD! I will do a more considered response later in summer. Thanks for going to bother of tracing the slides.
I have lways considered a research-teaching "nexus" as a defining feature of University education . More later.

[Derek Lynch]

TrueEconomics said...

Thanks, Derek. It's a quick set of slides outlining my view on the idea of the Nexus. I think it is a defining concept, though it is practiced in a very strangely ineffective way in actual academia. For example, policy research and industry thought leadership research are severely undervalued in academia. Academic research matters most, which is fine, but then there is no way of ensuring that this emphasis is enforced beyond tenure award. Teaching and service to wider society are virtually completely debased in many academic institutions despite lip service being paid to them in jobs descriptions. The systems tend to extremes of verifiability - either to measurable research output or to measurable teaching loads. It worries me, as much of teaching is about interactions, subtle, unmeasurable impacts, gentle development of curiosities, passion.

It is a big debate, I know, so let me know when you have that response...
Best, C.