This is the second part of my usual Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics (WLASze). The first part is linked here.
An insightful piece on what philosophers as a group believe in:
Very interesting and can be followed by the very brief (and as such not very deep, but still interesting)
and by brilliantly extensive .
The latter literally is a sort of a merger of art (of symbol or word or meaning) and sciences.
And while on the above topics, here's John Lennox of Oxford on science and belief…
Back to art-meets-science, a major mapping/visualization geek alert:
Love the images:
Laborious, but beautiful mapping, sadly in relatively low res only...
But blending cheeky with complex does not make it either art or science in the end, in my opinion, of course:
"And when you slice a scone in the shape of a cone, you get a sconic section – the latest craze in edible mathematics, a vibrant new culinary field" Err… not really. @pavelprokopchik great photo by Pavel Prokopchik for NY Times:
Sadly, only in low res quality, again...
Good review via @farnamstreet of a very interesting book on occasionally mindless fascination we hold for scientific explaining away of reality (or is this fascination itself an behavioural bias?):
Which makes me wonder, are biases endogenous to biases? Liam, your suggestions?!. And to MrsG a gentle suggestion: my birthday is coming up...
Bad news:
"Art Southampton Presented by Art Miami for Art Collectors NYC and In-Crowd East Coast with Cars Italia and Galleries Kitsch USA" for the crowd of those who think a horse bronze with polished detail is worth a silver metal couch and all that shines…
You can almost see the parallel to the previous screenshot: animate duo 'racing' to the cocktails counter with an enlightened look about them of a floodlight set to highlight the Maserati... being vs object - all denoting the same fake-ness of the art world that fits a dressed-up-white hangar… in dressed-up Hamptons… Watch the preview slideshow… it is frightening (and as such so anti-artistic as to become almost artful).