The volume of retail sales rose 0.2% in June 2011 yoy and +1.1% mom. However, all of the increases were accounted for by motor sales.
The value of retail sales rose +0.4% in June 2011 yoy and +0.7% mom. Again, all effects are due to motor sales increases.
Provisional estimates for Q2 2011 show the volume of retail sales fell by 1.7% yoy and rose 1.8% qoq. Once again, the figures were dramatically improved by motor sales.
Consumer confidence, measured by the ESRI index have posted a dramatic drop in June from 59.4 in May to 56.3. Index is now 5.38% down qoq, 5.219% down mom and 17.084% down yoy.

Longer-term averages also suggest further softening in the retails sales

- Index of Value of retail sales up 0.49% qoq, 0.189% up mom and 1.743% down yoy
- Index of Volume of retail sales up 1.276% qoq, 0.253% up mom and 2.218% down yoy
- Consumer confidence is up 23.291% qoq, 5.426% up mom and 8.299% down yoy.
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