Thursday, December 3, 2020

3/12/20: Ireland PMIs: November


Ireland PMIs are out for November and they show the impact of the re-amplification of COVID19 impacts on the economy.

Services PMI fell from 48.3 in October to 45.4 in November, the lowest reading in 5 months and the third consecutive monthly reading sub-50. The pandemic period average is now at 39.3.

Meanwhile, Manufacturing PMI rose from 50.3 in October to 52.2 in November, marking the second consecutive month of readings above 50.0 mark. Pandemic period average is now at 48.2. 

Construction sector PMI (through mid-November) is at 48.6 - marking third consecutive month of sub-50 readings.

As the chart below illustrates, Manufacturing is the only sector that is providing growth momentum in the economy and much of that is down to multinationals. In services sector, activity of multinationals (which are doing well) is more than offset by continued declines in activities of domestic enterprises. 

Composite PMI posted a third consecutive month of sub-50 readings at 47.7 down from 49.0 in October. Markit's Composite PMI is calculated based on manufacturing and services indices. To rebalance the overall activity measure to include construction PMIs, I calculate my own 3-sectors index which is based on each sector contribution to Ireland's gross value added. With economic activity shifting toward manufacturing during the Covid19 pandemic, this index is becoming more weighted to reflect manufacturing sector PMI, hence the 3-sectors index rose in November to 50.2 from 49.7 in October.

Overall, the PMIs and my 3-sectors index are all pointing to entrenchment of the Covid19 pandemic headwinds in the Irish economic activity in November. 

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