Wednesday, September 9, 2015

9/9/15: MSCI World EV/EBITDA ratio: Happy Bubbly

In the lightness of being inhabited by the world's investors, no valuation is a bubble, until it is officially declared to not be a bubble. And so it has been since the start of the year, just as EV/EBITDA (Enterprise Value ratio to Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation) ratio of MSCI World Index for 23 Developed Markets economies peaked at levels ahead of all previously recorded ones:

Source: @zerohedge

But never mind, for that promised growth rebound is just around the corner... where it has been for the last seven and a half years... just one period ahead forecast from today...

Note: h/t and thanks to Rouben Indjikian for spotting EBITDA definition missing reference to interest.

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