Thursday, September 10, 2015

10/9/15: Building & Construction: 2Q 2015

Production indices for Building & Construction sector in Ireland, covering 2Q 2015, were out yesterday. Here is the run through the numbers:

All building & construction sector activity by volume rose to 106.2 in 2Q 2015, up 5.46% q/q and 7.16% y/y (I am using seasonally-adjusted basis numbers here).

Much of this increase was down to a 8.78% rise in Building ex-Civil Engineering, which was itself primarily driven by a 14.6% q/q uplift in Residential Building.

Two charts, showing links to Construction sector PMIs:

Charts above illustrate continued decoupling in trends between PMIs-signalled growth and actual activity in the sector. While PMIs have signal strong expansion, the rate of growth in actual activity has been much more modest. As the result, negative correlation between PMIs and CSO index has moderated, but it remains negative on a historical basis.

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