Thursday, September 27, 2012

27/9/2012: Planning Permissions, Ireland, Q2 2012

Planning Permissions for Q2 2012 were published today for Ireland, offering basically continuation of the trend established the end of 2010 which marks slower rate of decline in overall planning permissions. Chart below illustrates:

Total number of planning permissions rose 9.03% q/q in Q2 2012 to 3,672 (still 13.48% down on Q2 2011 and 78.8% down on peak).

In Q2 2012, overall number of planning permissions in Ireland for new dwellings dropped to 942 from 957 in Q1 2012 (-1.57% q/q), which is down 25.47% y/y and down 87.5% on peak. In contrast with new dwellings, other new construction permissions rose from 695 in Q1 2012 to 828 in Q2 2012 (up 19.14% q/q and up 14.84% y/y), which is still down 86.7% on peak.

Annual rates of change clearly show that the slowdown in the rate of decline is now persistent over two quarters for total number of planning permissions, while there is an acceleration in the rate of decline in the planning permissions for new dwellings.

Average square footage relating to new permissions granted is now moving sideways since Q3 2011, suggesting there is really no life in the market for new construction, even in the potential pipeline of work planned.

Sorry to say this, but no good news here.

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