Wednesday, September 26, 2012

26/9/2012: Nama valuations & August property prices

As promised - in the last post on today's data release for Irish Residential Property Price Index (RPPI) here's the summary of impact of latest price index movements on Nama valuations.

Note: the figures referenced are approximate and relate to averages of valuations, so these should be treated as a guide. Keep in mind that property prices reaching Nama valuations levels (adjusted for risk-sharing cushion and long-term economic value premium) still imply a loss on Nama books, in my view, due to costs associated with operations, plus the discounts on disposals of properties in volume and over time. Inflation adjustment further increases real loss.

Summary table:

In other words, we need 60%+ uplift on current price levels to achieve a break even on Nama average valuations.

1 comment:

  1. After taking the complete view about the specific polices and reason of the negative impact on this area industry i can say Inflation adjustment further increases real loss for the people they have to consults the professionals to sort out this matter like property valuers
