Wednesday, October 7, 2020

7/10/20: COVID19 Update: Countries with > 100,000 cases


Updating tables for the countries with more than 100,000 cases of COVID19:

  • There are now 40 countries with >100,000 cases and 12 countries with > 500,000 cases. 
  • The U.S. continues to lead the world in the number of cases and number of deaths: the country accounts for 4.3 percent of world population, 21% of diagnosed COVID19 cases and 20% of attributed deaths.
  • EU27 accounts for 5.9% of the world's population, 7% of all cases, but 14% of world's deaths.
  • BRIICS+Turkey account for 46.5% of world's population, 40% of world's cases and 30% of attributed deaths.
  • 8 of the EU27 countries are on the list of countries with > 100,000 cases.
  • In overall performance rankings, the U.S. is ranked within the group of 'worse-than-average performers' (8th worst in the group of 40), while the EU27 ranks within-average (18th worst performer, if it were a country), the UK ranks 9th worst performer, with Peru remaining the hardest hit country of all countries with > 100,000 cases, with Bolivia second and Belgium third.

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