Thursday, September 10, 2020

8/92020: BRIC: Composite economic activity indicators

 Based on Markit's Composite PMIs, here are the BRIC economies composite economic activity indicators for 3Q 2020 to-date (July-August). 

Please, note: Manufacturing PMIs for BRIC economies were covered here:, and Services PMIs were covered here:

  • Brazil Composite PMI for 3Q 2020 currently sits at 50.6, barely above the zero-growth line of 50.0 in statistical terms. This represents a major improvement in growth momentum compared to an outright depressionary reading of 31.8 in 2Q 2020 and a swing of 18.8 points - a respectable reversal of momentum, although not a signal of an appreciable recovery from the recession.
  • Russia Composite PMI for 3Q 2020 is at blistering 57.1, suggesting a genuine recovery, albeit one-sided, driven by services sector rebound. COVID19 pandemic low was recorded in 2Q 2020 at abysmal 32.6, implying latest swing from the trough of massive 24.5 points. This does appear to be consistent with a robust recovery momentum, albeit with some caveats. This is the highest reading for any quarter since 3Q 2006 and the third highest reading on record.
  • China Composite PMI is at 54.8 so far through 3Q 2020, an improvement on growth-signalling 52.6 reading in 2Q 2020 and up respectable 12.8 points on recession trough in 1Q 2020.
  • India Composite PMI managed to rocket to a still-recessionary 41.6 in 3Q 2020 to-date, up on the recession trough of 19.9 in 2Q 2020 - a swing of 21.7 points. Still, the economy remains in a pronounced recession and 3Q 2020 so far is showing signs of exacerbated contraction building on 2Q 2020 collapse in activity.
For BRIC economies as a whole, the chart next shows GDP-weighted and GDP-shares weighted BRIC Indices of activity, compared to Global Composite PMIs:

Overall, BRIC economies growth momentum is still subdued and largely performing worse than the Global Composite PMI indicator.

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