Thursday, July 23, 2020

22/7/20: COVID19 Update: USA vs EU27

U.S. continues to race ahead of the EU27 in the total counts of COVID19 cases and deaths:

U.S. is now significantly divergent to the EU27 in death rates per capita, both in terms of the actual rates and the rates of growth:

Notably, the EU appears to have virtually arrested the growth rate in deaths per capita, while the U.S. is experiencing relatively persistent growth in the deaths per capita. However, perhaps the most damning evidence of the systemic U.S. failure to deal with the pandemic is the simple fact that the U.S. excess total deaths (even without adjusting for timing lags and population size differences) continue to race ahead of the EU27.

Daily new cases and daily deaths counts confirm the above conclusions:

Meanwhile, some recent COVID19 newsflow:

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