Monday, July 13, 2020

13/7/20: COVID19 Update: Worldwide Cases and Deaths

The COVID19 Pandemic is far from over. It is, in fact, is far from slowing down.

Worldwide new cases arrivals are still raging at a medium-term increasing rates:

Much of this growth, commented on in the chart above, is coming from the emerging and developing economies, with lower rates of testing, implying the true extent of the pandemic is much greater than thee official stats reflect.

Deaths counts are now trending at an elevated level, compared to the trough around late May and early June, caused by the crushing of the curve in Europe. Since then, U.S. and emerging economies' deaths counts have overtaken the trend.

Consistent with the comments above, growth rates in new cases remain positive and growth rates in deaths are now also in the positive territory:

Two summary tables for key descriptive statistics, covering G7+ advanced economies and BRIICS economies:

Put simply, we are heading into the period of new economic restrictions in the U.S. and pressures are mounting in MENA and Latin America to impose or maintain stricter controls on public mobility. The pandemic is still in Wave 1, and this wave is still accelerating.

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