Monday, July 13, 2020

13/7/20: COVID19 Update: US vs EU27

While I was whitewater rafting over the weekend, the US of A has finally surpassed the EU27 in terms of overall death counts relating to COVID19 pandemic. This is without adjusting the figures for population size or pandemic onset timing, etc.

So here are the updated charts comparing the U.S. and the EU27:

In case numbers, the U.S. is on a clear 'lead' relative to 'slow' EU27. The latter has smashed the curve, the former is 'enjoying' a public health disaster befitting a country with no real public health institutions:

Or illustrated from a different angle:

Like a mighty Ford F150 smashing the puny Euro Fiat 500, the U.S. totally dominates the chart of new COVID19 cases... you know, if only we could force China and Mexico to buy more of those in a new trade deal... 

And U.S. public health system, the pride of the nation and both President Trump and his competitor, Joe Biden, is firing on all cylinders:

Sarcasm aside, and recognizing the genuine nature of this tragedy, it is mind-boggling to think how the U.S. tolerates this level of leadership incompetence. If peak levels of deaths from COVID19 were coming from older patients (not that such a reality should have been acceptable in the first place), we are now witnessing increasing numbers of younger patients dying from the virus.

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