Wednesday, May 20, 2020

20/5/20: Global COVID19 Counts and Deaths: Update

Global numbers of new cases of COVID19 reported continues to trend on the upward trend line, with no discernible peaking:

Today's new cases counts worldwide mark a new local peak at 95,197, ranking 4th highest rate of new cases reported. Since May 15th, we have recorded four days with above 7th ranked daily new cases counts. Since the start of May, we had 8 days ranked 9th and worse.

Death counts are yet to reflect this two-weeks long acceleration in the new cases arrivals. Since May 15th, worst case of death rates reported was 25th highest in the history of the series.

In simple terms, there is no evidence in amelioration in the global pandemic spread to-date. In fact, new cases arrivals are accelerating on the 7-day moving average trend line.

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