Tuesday, April 7, 2020

6/4/20: Mexican and Canadian Perceptions of the U.S.: Leadership With a Negative Exponent

Here is an extraordinary snapshot of Canadian and Mexican perceptions of the U.S. via Pew Research: https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2020/04/06/the-u-s-in-one-word-canadians-say-trump-mexicans-point-to-money-and-work/.

Pew Research own summary is less damming than my inserts above suggest:

But think of this, for a second: these are two of the U.S. closest trading and cultural and social partners. And their positive perceptions of the U.S. are now at 6% and 11%. What, pray, position of leadership can the U.S. claim with this sort of the numbers coming from its closest neighbours?

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