Friday, April 24, 2020

24/4/20: "Sentiment at German companies is catastrophic" ifo Institute

ifo Institute's German business sentiment barometer out today. Direct quote: "Sentiment at German companies is catastrophic. The ifo Business Climate Index crashed from 85.9 points in March to 74.3 points in April. This is the lowest value ever recorded, and never before has the index fallen so drastically. This is primarily due to the massive deterioration in the current\ situation. Companies have never been so pessimistic about the coming months. The coronavirus crisis is striking the German economy with full fury."
Here's the bigger kicker: Expectations plunged more over the last 3 months than current situation assessments, down from 93.8 in December 2019 to 69.4 in April 2020, as compared to the current situation index drop from 98.8 to 79.5 over the same period.

Two key sectors: woeful dynamics

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