Monday, March 26, 2018

25/3/18: Average Tariffs: 2000-2016

So how do the world's largest 50 economies (by size) score when it comes to the average trade tariffs they have in place? Who is the free trade champion? And who is not?

Here is the data on top 50 largest global economies (I have aggregated EU members of the top 50) into one group, as they share common tariffs against the rest of the world:

Source: data from the World Bank

One thing is clear: tariffs did come down quite substantially between 2000 and 2016. Average world-wide tariff in 2000 stood at just over 8.69%, which fell to just under 4.29% by 2016.

Another interesting fact is that the U.S. average tariff of 1.61% is matched by the EU's 1.6%, with both higher than Australia's 1.17%, Canada's 0.85%, Japan's 1.35%, and Norway's 1.02%. So, the free trade champions of the U.S. and EU are, sort of, poorer than average for the advanced economies, when it comes to trading free of tariffs protection.

Third point worth noting relates to the BRICS: these the largest emerging economies, jointly accounting for 32.0% of the global GDP (PPP-adjusted). Brazil's average tariff in 2016 stood at 8.01%, down from 12.69% in 2000. Russia's average tariff in 2016 stood at 3.43% and we do not have that figure for 2000, while India's was at 6.32% (down from 23.28% in 2000), China's fell from 14.67% in 2000 to 3.54% in 2016, while South Africa's average tariff declined from 4.5% in 2000 to 4.19% in 2016. So, amongst the BRICS, today, Brazil imposes the highest tariffs (86.8% higher than the global average), followed by India (47.4% above the global average), S. Africa (2.3% below the global average),  China (17.4% below the global average), and Russia (20% below the global average). In other words, based on average tariffs, Russia is the most open to trade economy in the BRICS group, followed by China.

Of course, tariffs are not the only barriers to trade, and in fact, non-tariff protectionism measures have been more important in the era of the WTO agreements. However, the data on tariffs is somewhat illustrative.

Here is the same data, covering 2010 and 2016 periods, arranged by the order of magnitude for 2016 tariffs:
Source: data from the World Bank

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