Friday, January 27, 2017

27/1/17: Eurocoin Signals Accelerating Growth in January

Eurocoin, leading growth indicator for euro area growth published by Banca d'Italia and CEPR has risen to 0.69 in January 2017 from 0.59 in December 2016, signalling stronger growth conditions in the common currency block. This is the strongest reading for the indicator since March 2010 and comes on foot of some firming up in inflation.

Two charts to illustrate the trends:

Eurocoin has been signalling statistically positive growth since March 2015 and has been exhibiting strong upward trend since the start of 2Q 2016. The latest rise in the indicator was down to improved consumer and business confidence, as well as higher inflationary pressures. Although un-mentioned by CEPR, higher stock markets valuations also helped.

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