Thursday, January 14, 2016

14/1/16: Two Charts to Sum Up Global Growth Environment

SocGen recently produced some interesting charts looking into 2016 trends. Two caught my eye, as both relate to long running themes covered on this blog throughout 2015.

The first one is that of a decline in global trade flows as the driver for growth. Per SocGen: "Global trade growth has been anchored below its historical average since the Great Recession, offering further evidence of tepid world economic recovery. Decreasing global demand, especially due to slowing emerging markets, weighs on the outlook for world trade."

Another relates to the second drag on global economic progress - debt overhang. SocGen focuses on Emerging Markets’ debt, saying: "Zero interest policies in the developed world have bolstered debt issuance from EM corporates. Only a fraction of EM countries are immune to the current adverse conditions requiring a cautious approach to these markets."

Both do not offer much optimism when it comes to both cyclical (interest rates forward) and structural (capex and demand capacities) drivers for global growth. And both suggest that 2016 is unlikely to be more robust year for the world’s economy than 2015.

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