Thursday, May 7, 2015

7/5/15: BRIC Services & Composite PMIs: April 2015

In previous post I covered BRIC Manufacturing PMI for April (, so now let's take a look at the Services PMIs.

  • Brazil Services PMI reading for April came in at 44.6 - marking rapid contraction in the sector that is worse than 47.9 reading in March. Overall, 3mo average through April now stands at 48.3, which marks worse performance than already contractionary 48.7 for the 3 months through January 2015. 3mo average through April 2014 was 50.7. April was the second consecutive month of readings below 50 and over the last 9 months, there were only two months of the PMI reaching above 50.0.
  • Russian Services PMI were covered ind entail here: Dynamically, April reading of 50.7 came in as a surprise, breaking a 6mo-long streak of sub-50 postings. 3mo average through April is at very low 46.0 and 3mo average through January 2015 was even worse - at abysmal 44.7. A year ago, 3mo average through April 2014 stood at 48.4. Despite improved performance in April, it is hard to see Services PMI breaking the sub-50 trend in the medium term.
  • Chinese Services PMI came in at a marginally stronger growth, posting a reading of 52.9 in April compared to 52.3 in March. This is the third consecutive month of rising PMI readings and 3mo average through April 2015 currently stands at 52.4, which is marginally lower than 3mo average through January 2015 (52.7), but somewhat above 3mo average through April 2014 (51.4).
  • India Services PMI came in at 52.4, marginally lower than 53.0 in March 2015, marking second consecutive month of PMI declines. 3mo average through April 2015 is at 53.1 which is stronger than 52.0 for the 3mo through January 2015 and significantly above 48.3 3mo average through April 2014.

Full summary of Manufacturing and Services PMIs changes here:

As the above indicate, India remains on the upward PMI trend in Services sectors against flat, but above 50.0, trend for Manufacturing sectors. Brazil remains on downward trends in both Services and Manufacturing sectors, while China remains on a relatively weak upward trend in Services and weak downward trend in Manufacturing. Russia is too volatile to call on Services side and weak, but stabilising on Manufacturing side.

Combining the two sectors, overall activity in the BRIC economies suggests temporary (for now) convergence of Russian composite indicator to the upside, against BRIC ex-Russia indicator to the downside.

Once we take into account relive sizes of each BRIC economy in the global economy, BRIC group contribution to global growth appears to continue trending to the downside, as shown below:

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