Sunday, May 31, 2015

31/5/15: Russian Fiscal Performance: Red Alert in Jan-Apr 2015

Russian Government finances are showing some serious signs of strain in April, lagging the 1Q 2015 outruns. In 1Q 2015, public revenues (the consolidated budget including federal, regional and local governments, state social funds) rose only 1% y/y in nominal ruble terms. Adjusting for inflation and ruble revaluations, this suggests real contraction of around 9-10 percent. Over the first four months of 2015, export duties returns and production taxes in oil & gas sector were down more than 20% y/y with 1Q 2015 decline of 15% y/y. Ex-oil & gas revenues, consolidated revenues were up 8% in ruble terms (nominal) in 1Q 2015.

Real trouble, however, is brewing on spending side. 1Q 2015 consolidated expenditures rose 20% y/y in nominal terms, with defence spending rising 50% y/y in 1Q 2015 and 45% in the first four months of 2015. Pensions and Social Security expenditure rose by around 30% y/y. Nominal spending on education and health remained largely unchanged.

The consolidated deficit for 1Q 2015 was 2.5% of GDP.

Source: Bofit

Now, some of the expenditure items were significantly front-loaded, especially for housing expenditure and defence. Which means that over the rest of 2015 we might see some moderation in these lines of spending and weaker adverse impact on deficits. Still, things are not exactly encouraging, neither in terms of structural nature of imbalances nor in terms of sustainability of such spending given the levels of official reserves.

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