Saturday, April 4, 2015

4/4/15: History of Capitalism in 12 minutes & its Future in 4 more...

A new series of programmes for BBC (#BBCRicherWorld) by our own Colm O'Regan @colmoregan (one of the all-time-bestest hosts at Kilkenomics):

Episode 1:
Episode 2:
Episode 3:
Episode 4:

Self-promotion warning… absolutely worth a look for the lighter look at Capitalism. Covering Marx, Smith, other dead souls of economics, Keynes & Friedman, the twin evils of the recent past, and reaching into 21st Century and Corporatism. Even Anglo gets visualised... which just confirms: Ireland's bust is now the stuff of the global legends...

H/T to Stephen Ryan for posting the link to the fourth segment.

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