Monday, March 2, 2015

2/3/15: BRIC Manufacturing PMI: February Marks Slowdown in Growth

BRIC Manufacturing PMIs (individual countries data published by Markit) have posted some renewed weakness in February compared to January.

  • Russian Manufacturing PMIs are covered here:
  • Brazil Manufacturing PMI came in at 49.6 - signifying shallow contraction, down from 50.7 in January. 3 mo average through February is at 50.2 (barely signalling any growth), which is an improvement on 3mo average through November 2014 (49.3) but is weaker than 3mo average through February 2014 (50.5). 
  • China Manufacturing PMI is at 50.7, an improvement on January's 49.7 and breaking previous two-months streak of sub-50 readings. 3mo average is at 50.0, which is weaker than 50,2 3mo average through November 2014, but an improvement on 3mo average through February 2014 (49.5)
  • India Manufacturing PMI slipped to 51.2 in February from 52.9 in January, with 3mo average through February at 52.9, which is stronger than 3mo average through November 2014 (52.1) and 3mo average through February 2014 (51.6).
Table below and chart summarise the trends:

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