Monday, January 5, 2015

5/1/2015: The Value of Better Teachers

Hanushek, Eric A. and Piopiunik, Marc and Wiederhold, Simon, paper, "The Value of Smarter Teachers: International Evidence on Teacher Cognitive Skills and Student Performance" (December 2014, NBER Working Paper No. w20727: looks at the differences in teacher quality and the impact of these differences on students' outcomes.

Per authors, "difference in teacher quality are commonly cited as a key determinant of the huge international student performance gaps." The authors "use unique international assessment data to investigate the role of teacher cognitive skills as one main dimension of teacher quality in explaining student outcomes. Our main identification strategy exploits exogenous variation in teacher cognitive skills attributable to international differences in relative wages of nonteacher public sector employees." The study also controls for parental inputs and other factors.

"Using student-level test score data, we find that teacher cognitive skills are an important determinant of international differences in student performance. Results are supported by fixed-effects estimation that uses within-country between-subject variation in teacher skills."

First table below shows basic estimation results highlighting the positive effects of teachers skills (in maths and reading) and parental skills on outcomes (in mathematics and zero effect in reading).

Second table above shows sample statistics. An interesting comparative in terms of Irish teachers' skills being very much average and ranked below average in the group of countries.

Third table below shows more advanced econometric controls for estimation, showing qualitatively similar results as above

And finally, chart below showing Ireland's relative position, compared to other countries in terms of the relationship between teacher skills and students' outcomes:

The above clearly shows below average link between teacher skills and student outcomes for Ireland (which are sub-standard relative to the average) in maths and slightly above average link between teacher skills and student outcomes in literacy (which are above average in terms of outcomes, but near average in terms of the teachers' skills effects).

The key, from my point of view, is that the paper shows a clear link between measurable metrics of teacher quality and measurable outcomes for students, while controlling for a number of other factors. This supports my view that pay-for-performance can and should be used to incentivise, support and promote better teachers, and that such system of compensation can be of benefit to our students.

Our education system pursuit of homogeneity and collective bargaining-set pay scales is outdated, outmoded and inefficient from social and economic point of view. Our teachers and students deserve better. Reforming education system should not be about reducing average wages and earnings, but realigning rewards with effort and outcomes.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting data and not surprising. Although performance related pay in teaching is not possible without people wasting their time filling out forms for the metrics. Better to attract more intelligent teachers in the first place by paying more in the first place. More will train and therefore head-teachers can pick the cream of the crop - seems to work okay at third level.
