Friday, January 9, 2015

10/1/2015: Irish Retail Sales: November

Irish retail sales figures for November, published by the CSO earlier this week came in at the weaker end of the trend. Here is detailed analysis.

On seasonally-adjusted basis:

  • Value of retail sales ex-motors fell 0.31% m/m in November having posted a 1.04% gain in October. 3mo MA through November was down 0.11% on 3mo MA through October, which itself was down 0.07% on 3mo MA through September.
  • Volume of retail sales ex-motors was up 0.19% m/m in November, having posted a rise of 0.96% in October. 3mo MA through November was up 0.26% m/m  for the 3 months through November compared to 3mo MA through October, having previous posted identical increase in October, compared to 3mo MA through September.
  • Meanwhile, Consumer Confidence was, for a change, more closely aligned with value of sales indicator. Consumer Confidence indicator was down0.23% m/m in November, having posted 0.68% decline in October.

Two charts to illustrate:

The first chart above plots longer-range series, showing two main insights:

  1. Consumer confidence continues to vastly outpace actual retail sales performance in terms of both value and volume of sales, although we are starting to see de-acceleration in consumer confidence growth in terms of trend. Nonetheless, consumer confidence bottomed-out around July 2008. Actual retail sales did not bottom out until June 2012 (in Volume and Value of sales terms).
  2. Since bottoming out, retail sales have been performing with virtually divergent dynamics. Trend in Volume of sales is relatively strong, upward. Meanwhile, trend in Value of sales is relatively flat, upward. In more recent months, this divergence is increasing once again.

The above is again confirmed in November data and in year-on-year comparatives too, as shown in the next chart.

Year on year (based on seasonally unadjusted data):

  • Value of retail sales ex-motors rose 1.33% y/y in November having posted a 1.91% gain y/y in October. 3mo MA through November 2014 was up only 1.4% on 3mo MA through November 2013.
  • Volume of retail sales ex-motors was up robust 3.92% y/y in November, having posted a rise of 4.40% in October. 3mo MA through November was up 3.7% y/y.

The above data clearly supports trends identified in previous months: Irish consumers are not striking, nor are they holding back consumption. Instead, they are willing to buy when they see value. Unfortunately for our retailers, that means more sales with lower profit margins. As the chart below shows, we now have 13 consecutive months of growth in volume of sales outstripping value of sales and out of the last 21 months, only one posted growth rate in value of sales in excess of volume of sales.

Using my Retail Sector Activity Index to plot underlying activity across the sector (note: the RSAI has much higher correlations with both indices of retail sales than consumer confidence), chart below shows that in 2014, growth rate in overall sector activity slowed down significantly compared to 2013.

The above, of course, is rather natural for the recovery that first produces a faster bounce up and then settles into more 'sustainable' over time rate of growth. The problem, however, is that current activity by value of retail sales is still 39.1% below the pre-crisis peak levels and for volume of sales it is 34% below peak. Even compared to the pre-crisis average (2005-2007), activity is down 11.2% in value terms and 3.2% lower in volume terms.

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