Wednesday, December 3, 2014

3/12/2014: Irish Services PMI: November

Strong Services PMI performance for Ireland in November with Markit/Investec PMI index for the sector rising to 61.6 from already boiling-high of 61.5 in October. This marks ninth (!) consecutive month of readings above 60.0 (not just 50.0) and the 12mo MA through November is currently running at a massive 61.4.

Shorter-term dynamics are very positive: 3mo MA through November is at 61.9 and this is only marginally lower than 3mo MA through August 2014 at 62.1. The numbers are simply surreally good.

The trend is very similar in Manufacturing (see chart below and note here:

Without knowing actual details on disaggregation of the total indices, it is hard to say what is going up and at what rate. Furthermore, again due to Markit/Investec refusal to publish actual data details, I have no idea which sectors are rowing what in both services and manufacturing. My suspicion is that we are seeing continued boom in MNCs-dominated sectors, driven in part even higher by the changes in the MNCs-based operations in Ireland away from profit shifting to either profit booking and/or cost centres. In other words, instead of shifting profits via Ireland to offshore locations, many MNCs are starting to book costs into Ireland or park profits here. All of these activities are net positive for GDP and GNP, albeit of dubious benefit to those of us living here.

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