Monday, December 1, 2014

1/12/2014: Irish Manufacturing PMI: November 2014

Markit and Investec Manufacturing PMI for Ireland for November came in with some pretty good numbers.

Overall index reading came in at 56.2 a slowdown from 56.6 in October, but ahead of 55.7 in September and the second highest reading in recent years, fourth highest over the last 10 years. Given October performance, some moderation was expected and November reading surprised to the higher side of this.

Current 12mo average is at blistering 55.2 with latest 3mo average at 56.2 slightly ahead of 56.0 for the 3mo average through August 2014.

As chart above shows, series break-away into positive trend that started around Q2 2013 continues, albeit with some flattening in the series from around the end of Q1 2014. All together - good news, albeit with usual caveats on the weak links between final actual economic growth and PMIs in general.

Full release here:

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