Thursday, December 11, 2014

11/12/2014: TLTRO2: Misfiring that Bazooka... Again

Second round of TLTROs take up at EUR129.84bn. Prior market consensus expectation was for EUR130bn, with range of EUR 200 billion 'bulls' expectation and EUR 100 billion 'bears':

- Morgan Stanley at EUR120-170 billion, 
- Deutsche at EUR170 billion
- Citi at EUR165 billion
- BNP at EUR140-180 billion
- JPM at EUR190 billion
- BAML at EUR130 billion

So 'bears' have it. New tranche of TLTROs as expected better than the 1st tranche ( but still disappointing. Back in September, I expected two tranches to amount to close to EUR300 billion. We now have less than EUR213 billion. This is a massive undershooting on expectations for majority of markets analysts. One of Draghi's 'big bazookas' is currently misfiring charcoal instead of bullets, placing more pressure on the ECB to get into QE-like actions in January.

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