Monday, October 6, 2014

6/10/2014: Ifo Forecast for Euro Area Economy: Q4 2014 and Q1 2015

Germany's Ifo institute released its joint forecasts for Euro area economy through Q1 2015. Here are the details:

"In Q3 2014, economic activity is expected to increase again, but only moderately, as geopolitical concerns are still strong and seem to affect investors’ confidence. GDP is projected to increase by 0.2% in the Q3 and Q4 2014, and expand by 0.3% in Q1 2015."

But, the Ifo warns about "increased asymmetries across euro area economies. The recovery is expected
to be mainly driven by a gradual improvement in domestic demand conditions. Private investment is expected to restart over the forecast horizon triggered by improved liquidity conditions and lower cost of capital, after the sharp adjustment following the financial crisis. The rise in production activity and increasing demand for new production capacity will be the main factor underpinning the recovery. Consumption prospects remain positive, albeit subdued, as the recovery in the labor market is projected to be gradual. Under the assumptions that the oil price stabilises at USD 97 per barrel and that the dollar/euro exchange rate fluctuates around 1.28, the headline inflation is expected to increase only marginally over the next two quarters, remaining significantly below the threshold of 2%."

On the risks side: "Key downside risks to this scenario comprise the effective recovery of investment and the increases in the savings rate of private households owing to deleveraging. A weaker external demand from emerging economies, especially from Asia and Latin America, as well as a greater impact of international tensions in Eastern Europe and the Middle East, might also be a drag on the exports and investment."

Summary of forecasts:

All of which acts a nice prelude to tomorrow's release of the IMF WEO update for October. I'd say expect (given World Bank previously released forecasts) some downgrades to growth expectations...

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