Wednesday, October 29, 2014

29/10/2014: ABN AMRO on Emerging Europe's Economic Woes

ABN AMRO gloomy outlook for Emerging Europe region came out yesterday. Here are some highlights as related to Russian economy:

Over the past months, emerging Europe has increasingly faced headwinds.

Two core factors selected by ABN AMRO for these: Russian economy weaknesses and "weaker-than-expected performance of the eurozone, emerging Europe’s main trading  partner". In particular, "this can for instance be seen in Poland, where exports to the EU have slowed noticeably".

"All in all, according to our emerging Europe GDP tracker, annual growth in the region  fell to 1.1% yoy in Q3, down from 1.3% in Q2, keeping it on a downward path. Within the region, despite its structural outperformance over the past years, the Polish economy seems to be  slowing the most, while growth in the Czech Republic and in Hungary seems to be a bit more resilient."

"Looking further out, though risks remain tilted to the downside, growth should pick up next year. This reflects that we think that somewhere down the road, both Russia and Ukraine should recognise that some form of a diplomatic solution is needed. Alternatively, the conflict could evolve to a ‘frozen conflict’ with fewer economic consequences than currently is the case."

ABN AMRO sees this set of factors giving "room to a slight rebound in Russian GDP growth, though the slide in oil prices poses yet another headwind."

Here's their more detailed analysis for Russia:

And worse for Ukraine:

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