Monday, September 1, 2014

1/9/2014: BRIC Manufacturing PMIs: August 2014

With Brazil PMIs for Manufacturing sector finally in, time to update chart for BRIC Manufacturing PMI (data by Markit):

The above shows several interesting things:

  1. Overall BRICs performance (Manufacturing data so far) is a mixed bag: Brazil and China barely above 50.0, signalling very slow growth (if any, as these readings are not statistically distinguishable from 50.0). Meanwhile, Russia showing relatively weak, but growth, while India showing rather modest growth.
  2. Brazil posted its first above 50.0 reading after four consecutive months of below 50 readings. But the 'recovery' rate is very weak. Brazil's 3mo average through August is 49.3, which is lower than 3mo average through May 2014 (49.8) and basically unchanged on 3mo average through August 2013 (49.4). All suggests that things are still 'recessionary' in the manufacturing sector in the country.
  3. Russia, despite sanctions already in place, posted second fastest growth amongst the BRIC countries in August and third fastest in July. Current 3mo average is 50.4, which better than 3mo average through May 2014 (48.6) and slightly better than 3mo average through August 2013 (50.1). Last two months saw readings above 50.0, breaking the cycle of 8 months of consecutive readings below 50.0. If anything, manufacturing data suggests stronger performance in the wake of sanctions than prior to them. The rot in the sector set on in the case of Russia back in July 2013, well before any troubles in Ukraine started. First round of sanctions saw PMIs falling from 48.5 to 48.3 - minor impact. Second round of sanctions saw PMIs rise from 48.5 to 48.9, while third round of sanctions saw PMIs staying flat at 51.0. 
  4. India continued the trend of growing PMIs in August, with 3mo average now at 52.3, up on 3mo average through May (51.6) and up on recessionary 3mo average of 49.6 back in 3 months period through August 2013. All in, this marks the tenth consecutive month of PMIs above 50 for India, with all but one of these months recording PMIs above 51.3.
  5. China posted 5 consecutive months of PMIs reading below 50 in January-May 2014. This negative momentum was reversed in June-August with the current 3mo average standing at 50.9, 3mo average though May 2014 at 48.5 and 3mo average through August 2013 at 48.6.
One more point on Russian PMIs dynamics: the switch in trend from below 50 to above 50 took place in July and involved a PMI swing of 1.9 points - the sharpest recovery for all BRIC manufacturing sectors during the last round of recoveries. Despite this, we only have two months of data above 50.0 and it will require at least 2-3 months more to determine if the Russian manufacturing is moving back onto sustainable growth path or if the current improvements are temporary.

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