Thursday, September 18, 2014

18/9/2014: Quite a disappointing TLTRO round 1

So ECB's first tranche of TLTROs allotted at EUR82.6 billion - which is disappointing to say the least. Announcement is here:

Prior to the allotment, the following were forecast:

  • Credit Agricole: EUR100 billion (EUR200 billion into December tranche)
  • Goldman Sachs: EUR200-260 billion in September and December TLTROs and EUR720-910 billion in overall programme
  • Morgan Stanley: EUR250 billion in September & December TLTRO tranches and EUR100-400 billion for tranches 3-8
  • Nomura EUR115 billion in September and EUR165 billion in December
  • JPMorgan EUR150 billion in September
  • Barclays EUR114 billion in September and EUR154 billion in December.

My own view on the subject as follows (from a comment given yesterday for international publication).

Note that the take up today has been disappointing for all above expectations (my own included), suggesting that traditional LTROs roll-overs dominated decision on TLTRO demand. This means that going into AQR reviews by the ECB the banks are reluctant to expand their corporate lending balance sheets and the loading now is on much heavier take up of TLTROs in December. In the mean time, low take up in this tranche can put some added pressure on ECB to deploy its ABS purchasing programme.


The key difference between TLTROs and LTROs is in the targeted nature of TLTROs. Conventional LTROs (despite the fact that term 'conventional' can hardly apply to these rather exceptional instruments) are unrelated to the balancesheet exposures of the banks and are designed to simply inject medium-term and long-term liquidity into the banking system as a whole. Thus, in the environment of deleveraging and uncertainty with respect to future losses, LTRO-raised funds flow to government securities with lower / zero risk-weighting and high liquidity. The effect is to reduce yields on Government securities, without providing any meaningful uplift in lending to the real economy. De facto, LTROs helped alleviate the sovereign debt crisis on 2010-2011, but also resulted in increased credit markets fragmentation and did nothing to reduce credit supply pressures in the real economies of the euro area countries. TLTROs - via targeting levels of real credit exposures to non-financial corporations - are holding a promise to shift funds into credit markets for companies, with weighting formula favouring banks with greater exposures to such lending. If successful, TLTRO programmes can incentivise banks to lend on the basis of risk-return valuations, which can, in theory, also alleviate the problem of financial markets fragmentation by attracting euro area banks into lending in the so-called 'peripheral' economies.

At this stage, both demand and supply of credit in the majority of the euro area economies are well outside the fundamentals-determined levels. The financial markets are severely fragmented and the ongoing deleveraging of the banks and companies balancesheets still working through the credit markets. This means that any forecast for TLTROs uptake and effectiveness are subject to huge uncertainty. My view is that we are likely to see rather cautious take up of the TLTRO funds in the first round, with many lenders dipping into the funding stream without full commitment. We are looking at the take up of around EUR100-150 billion in Thursday TLTROs. One reason for this is that the first tranche of TLTROs is likely to go into replacing maturing 3-year LTRO funds rather than new expansion of the banks balancesheets. To-date, banks repaid some EUR649 billion of LTROs, with EUR370 billion outstanding. Close-to-redemption LTRO funds need replacement and TLTROs are offering such an opportunity, albeit at a cost (TLTROs are priced 10bp higher than LTROs but offer longer maturity). All-in, the banks are likely to go for roughly EUR300 billion of TLTROs (with total potential allotment of EUR400 billion available, the cost will be the main factor here), with under half of this coming in September and the balance in December. Another reason pushing TLTROs demand into December, rather than September, is the ongoing ECB review of the banks (AQR analysis).


ABS measures are going to aim to address the size of the ECB balancesheet, while providing support for effective yield on loans to the real economy. In this, well-structured ABS purchasing programme can provide support for TLTROs by increasing incentives for the banks to lend funds to corporates. However, excessive focus in the ABS programme on quality of assets and risk pricing can posit a risk of increasing fragmentation in the markets, as such focus can drive a significant wedge in pricing between corporate yields in the core economies of the euro area and the 'periphery'.

I do not see the ECB deploying traditional QE programme at this point in time. The reason for this is simple: yields convergence in the Sovereign markets is ongoing, levels of yields are benign, and demand for sovereign assets remains strong. However, if TLTROs and ABS programmes prove to be successful, we may see banks exits from low-yielding sovereign debt (core euro area) and from high yield, but now significantly repriced peripheral debt (profit taking). Unlikely as this might be at this point in time, if such exits prove to be aggressive, the ECB will have to provide support for sovereign yields and a small-scale QE can be contemplated in this case.

In general, however, it is clear from Mr Draghi's recent speeches and statements that he sees two key problems plaguing the euro area economies: the problem of high structural and cyclical unemployment and the problem of low private investment. Both of these problems continue to persist even as the sovereign debt yields have fallen dramatically, suggesting that government spending stimulus and investment programmes are unlikely to repair what is structurally a longer-term set of weaknesses in the economy.

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