Tuesday, August 5, 2014

5/8/2014: BRIC PMIs Signal Some Improvements in Economic Growth in July

Markit released all BRIC PMIs for July, so here is the summary of top-of-the-line changes:

As the above shows, Manufacturing PMIs improved m/m in all BRIC countries, although Brazil remained at levels below 50.0. For Services, PMIs deteriorated in all BRIC countries, and in Russia these remained at the levels below 50.0.

Year on year, Manufacturing PMIs are stronger in all BRIC countries, with Russia reaching into above 50.0 territory in July 2014. Russia PMIs are covered in detail here: http://trueeconomics.blogspot.ie/2014/08/582014-russia-manufacturing-services.html while BRIC Manufacturing PMIs are covered in detail here: http://trueeconomics.blogspot.ie/2014/08/282014-bric-manufacturing-rebound-july.html

Now, Services PMIs. Y/y these deteriorated in Brazil and China, improved in Russia, but remained below 50.0 line, and strongly improved in India.

Combined PMIs-signalled activity:

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