Tuesday, August 26, 2014

26/8/2014: Betting on Corporate Tax Inversions? Ireland almost made the top of this strategy...

These haven't been slow-days-of-summer on the Irish corporate tax reputation front.

Few weeks ago, the story of Microsoft admission of holding a USD92bn large stash of cash in locations, including Ireland, has been put out to air: http://billmoyers.com/2014/08/23/microsoft-admits-keeping-92-billion-offshore-to-avoid-paying-29-billion-in-us-taxes/

And today, an interesting disclosure on foot of Ireland-free tax inversion deal by the Burger King popped up: a fund investing in tax inversion companies https://www.motifinvesting.com/motifs/tax-inversion-targets#/overview where Ireland is the second largest exposure after the UK...

These folks should list on Irish Stock Exchange... oh, poor Bermuda and Bahamas, obviously lacking in that skills-and-talent competitiveness we have so much of.

Time for another 'We Are Not a Tax-Haven' white paper from one of the Departments...

You can track my notes on the topic starting from here: http://trueeconomics.blogspot.ie/2014/08/382014-this-week-in-corporate-not-tax.html

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