Saturday, July 19, 2014

19/7/2014: Irish Roads: Worse than Chile, better than Namibia?

So... after two decades of extensive road building on foot of EU and domestic money, Ireland's road system (based in a country with mild climate, no extreme temperatures variations and no seismic activities) is ranked right below that of Chile (seismically-active, extremely mountainous and extreme weather-impacted terrain) and one place above Namibia...


They should have tried parts of Sandymount and Ballsbridge where, despite the two areas being amongst the most exclusive real estate locations in the country, cars lose tyres and damage suspension on craters and poor pavement and worn-out speed bumps. Not that there is no such evidence across the entire country, of course...


  1. AnonymousJuly 19, 2014

    I noticed that Italy is not on the chart. I frequently drive in Sicily and in Ireland. Sicily has better roads than Ireland.

  2. Have not driven in Sicily in a decade, but know Northern Italy really well - excellent roads.

  3. How much difference those numbers convey? Perhaps marginal, if you look at France and Germany with 6.4 vs 6.0 points respectively. In essence Ireland's 5.3 might be considered pretty good. However, indeed some busy roads in Dublin are inexcusably poor.
