Saturday, June 28, 2014

28/6/2014: WLASze: Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences & zero economics

It has been some time since I did my WLASze (Weekend Links on Arts, Sciences and zero economics) last. The reason being somewhat strange state of mind as of late: less calm, less retrospection, more rushed work… the usual.

Here are couple interesting links that I cam across this week.

Via @PandaPolitics  : a complicated, but deadly cool info graphic mapping "a visual taxonomy of lives and literary greatness" of 20th Century 75 big-name writers. It is complex, it is poorly organised (not searchable, non-alphabetic ordering, etc) and it is academist, rather than visual, but it is wonderfully rich and worth exploring.

Another link is courtesy of the covering the story of a trio of Supermassive Black Holes discovered in a distant Galaxy.

And from the world of art: my favourite installation artists, duo of Ilya and Emilia Kabakov installation "The Strange City" at The Monumenta, Grand Palais, Paris. Review via

The site for the project is here:

A shot from the recent WLASze past: is a new installation Transarquitetonica by Henrique Oliveira an ambitious-beyond-ambition installation in Oliveira's traditional key

You can see a more comprehensive gallery here:

Finally, Manifesta 10 Biennial is opening up today in St. Petersburg and is worth following for any reports:

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