Tuesday, June 10, 2014

10/6/2014: Credit to Irish Households: Q1 2014

Having recently posted miraculous recovery in terms of yet another quarter of declines in lending to Irish private sector enterprise (see: http://trueeconomics.blogspot.ie/2014/06/662014-credit-to-irish-resident.html) repaired/restored/reformed Irish banking system coughed out another set of 'encouraging' data points… today's one coming on the side of credit advanced to Irish private [assuming this excludes Irish public - aka celebrity economists et al] households. And guess what… the aforementioned repaired/restored/reformed Irish banking system is shrinking in terms of household credit too, still…

Chart to start with:

And the above shows:

  • Total credit extended to Irish households falling 2.62% in Q1 2014 compared to Q1 2014 and down 0.54% q/q
  • Credit advanced for house purchases is down 1.21% y/y and basically flat (-0.03%) q/q.
  • SVR mortgages volumes are up (arrears restructuring and new mortgages extended adding to the pile of soon-to-be even more expensive loans, as the banks re-engage in margins rebuilding post-ECB rate cut); Trackers are down; Up to one year fixed rates mortgages are up, Fixed rate mortgages are down;
  • Other personal loans are down whooping 9.98% y/y and are down 5.82% q/q (with both Finance for investment and Finance for other purposes sub-categories down by more than 5% q/q).

Meanwhile, deposits (remember our 'gargantuan' savings rates that worry everyone from ESRI to DofF) well… deposits are down 1.78% y/y and down 0.14% q/q.

Remember our Government's talk about repairing the banking system? One of the core metrics for this was loans/deposit ratio. Chart below shows evolution of this:

Observe one interesting regularity: since Q4 2011, loans-deposit ration in terms of Irish households' balance sheets averaged 114.7% and in Q1 2014 this ratio was… err… 114.2%. In other words, things have not been improving when it comes to loans/deposit ratio for some 10 consecutive quarters now…

Since we are onto the topic of 2011, recall that in H1 2011 we have recapitalized Irish banks, which, ever since that time, been on a steady path of recovery. Even Wilbur Ross says as much, let alone our Ministers and Senior Officials. Numbers confirm… the opposite story: compared to H1 2011, q1 2014 levels of households' credit in the economy was down massive 18.2%, credit for house purchase down massive 15.5%, credit for other purposes down gargantuan [truly] 30.9%, while deposits are down 1.82%.

Clearly things have to be looking sunnier some day soon... of Wilbur will have to come back to help us repair the banking system once again...

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