Wednesday, May 14, 2014

14/5/2014: Back to Bondholders & Golf Courses Owners...

Remember this little-ol-mom-n-pop investor in Bank of Ireland subordinated bonds?

Remember how a crowd worth of Irish politicos and 'analysts' were whinging about the Irish Banks investors being the 'little old grannies' with a 'wee-bit of savings in dem'?

David Tepper made USD2.2 billion in 2012. Personally. He made USD3.5 billion more last year:

David is a cool dude. And Ireland, having made whole on his speculative 'investments' has moved on to help other elderly savers:

But never mind, Michael Noonan is buddies with Donald, who is JobBridging 'jobs' into Doonbeg.

Mr. Tepper got off cheaply, one must say - he did not get Ministerial prostrations and a 3-piece corny kitsch treatment on a shortened red carpet. But Mr. Tepper got paid full euro on 40-50 cents. Mr. Trump, alas, might have to be satisfied with slavish receptions and few very cheap interns.

1 comment:

  1. Thus proving you don't become rich by being generous. Trump is a sad example of all that is wrong with our tax haven capitalism, he should be refused entry at the border for creating phoney JobBridge jobs for real profits and no doubt minimal tax payments. Well done for highlighting this.
