Friday, April 25, 2014

25/4/2014: ECB, Denmark & Negative Rates, 'Peripherals' & Russia: today's links

Rumours mills been busy of late with all the talk about ECB doing 'whatever it takes' to get inflation going again. See this for example:

Here is the best take on Denmark's brief brush with ECB's (allegedly) favourite weapon: the negative deposit rates:

But while we are on topic of things monetary and fiscal, here is Euromoney take on what's been happening in the markets for 'peripheral' sovereign debt (note: my comment at the bottom): and alternative link:

To give you more context, here is the full comment I made:
The numbers cited are even better summarised in my earlier post on the subject here:

Meanwhile, here's what has been happening in the sovereign debt markets today - CDS spreads:

And finally, Russian credit downgrade:

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