Thursday, January 9, 2014

9/1/2014: Public Lecture in Biochemisty and Immunology

Fascinating stuff:

The School of Biochemistry & Immunology in TCD:  public lecture in Biomedical Frontiers series. 

Professor Ken Mok, "Who da mule? - Smuggling molecules across (biological) borders

Key topics:
  • Why is basic research important? 
  • Can we really predict which 'horses' (= specific application areas) to bet on in the long run? 
  • Telling "a factual story in protein folding/misfolding research where a potential drug-transporting 'mule' - rather than 'horse' - was serendipitously found through basic studies. Widespread interest in this protein-fatty acid complex is growing due to its remarkable properties of selectively killing cancer cells while leaving healthy, differentiated cells intact."

Event details
Date: Wednesday 15th January  
Time: 6:30pm
Venue: Stanley Quek Theatre, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Pearse Street
All welcome and admission is free

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