Saturday, January 11, 2014

11/1/2014: Don't mention the 'D' word in the Eurozone, yet...

Bloomberg this week published a note analysing the GDP performance of the euro area countries during the Great Depression and the Great Recession: The unpleasant assessment largely draws on the voxeu. org note here:

Perhaps the most important (forward-looking) statement is that in the current environment "complying with the EU's debt-sustainability rules will entail severe and indefinite budget stringency, clouding the prospects for growth still further". This references the EU Fiscal Compact and 2+6 Packs legislation.

And on a related note, something I am covering in the forthcoming Sunday Times column tomorrow (italics in the text are mine and bold emphasis added):

"What are the fiscal lessons? First, avoid deflation ... at all costs. ... Beyond that, the options in theory would seem to be financial repression, debt forgiveness, debt restructuring and outright default. Financial repression, the time-honored remedy, would seem to be out of bounds... and EU governments aren't yet ready to contemplate the alternatives [debt forgiveness, restructuring and defaults]. At some point, they will have to. In the 1930s, the situation didn't look so hopeless."

But why would the default word creep into the above equation?

Update: and another economist calling for debt restructuring/default denouement:
I know, I know - everything has been fixed now, so no need to panic...

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