Tuesday, November 5, 2013

5/11/2013: BlackRock Institute survey: Latin America October 2013

BlackRock Investment Institute released its latest Economic Cycle Survey for Latin America. EMEA region latest survey note is available here (http://trueeconomics.blogspot.ie/2013/11/5112013-blackrock-institute-survey-emea.html) and North America & Western Europe note is available here (http://trueeconomics.blogspot.ie/2013/10/11102013-blackrock-institute-survey-n.html).

"This month’s Latin America Economic Cycle Survey presented a mixed outlook for the region. Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Mexico, Brazil and Chile are described to be in expansionary phases of the cycle and expected to remain so over the next 2 quarters, while Argentina’s growth is expected to deteriorate from expansion to contraction over this horizon. Venezuela is described by the consensus to be in a recessionary state, with no improvement to this outlook at the 6 month horizon."

This is predictable. However, the surprise side is Brazil. Out 6 months from October, expectations are for continued recessionary pressures (35%) basically suggesting that forward-looking bears are slightly more bearish. The country, alongside with Mexico, is in a group that is stuck between higher growth states and Venezuela and Argentina. This despite the improving global outlook: "The global growth outlook remains positive, with a net of 69% of participants expecting a stronger global economy
over the next 12 months compared to 76% in the September report."

Note: these views reflect opinions of survey respondents, not that of the BlackRock Investment Institute. Also note: cover of countries is relatively uneven, with some countries being assessed by a relatively small number of experts.

Here are two summary charts:

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