Friday, November 22, 2013

22/11/2013: Euro area banks: leveraged through the nose... still

All you need to know about European banks sickness (it is still raging), the state of European regulations and quality oversight over the banks (it is still crap) and just how far we have travelled from the causes of the crisis (not far at all) in one chart:

European bounds set for the banks are a joke. A bizarre joke. And yet, Europeans call this a 'reform'. And regulators in the countries with completely dysfunctional banks (e.g Ireland) harp on about their banks 'compliance' with or 'meeting' the 'European standards'...

Notice, under the US proposed standards, leverage ratio requirement will be raised to 6% for FDIC-insured banks... meanwhile in Europe, 3% is 'rigorous' and 'robust' and 'safe' and 'never again' level...

Time to smell the roses. Going at the current rate of 'reforms', it will be decades before this European mess is sorted and by then, Europe won't matter to the rest of the world... will not matter at all... backwater with a few nice museums and some statues of the Great Leader Hermit von Frompy strewn across the lovely fields of wheat...

Oh, and if you still think that Newbridge Credit Union is a Big Story - my suggestion is: time for a visit to your friendly head doctor?..

1 comment:

  1. Constantine, have you any view as to the Irish Covered Banks reduced reliance upon ECB funding (announced today)?
