Sunday, November 17, 2013

17/11/2013: Ireland to Remain Subject to EU/ECB Oversight post-Exit

On may occasions I have stated that Ireland will remain subject of the enhanced supervision by the EU and ECB of its fiscal policies following our exit from the 'Troika bailout'.

Minister Noonan this week confirmed as much:

Here's the relevant legislation governing our required compliance:

Regulation (EU) No 472/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council
of 21 May 2013
pdf link:

Emphasis in bold is mine:

Article 14: Post-programme surveillance

1. A Member State shall be under post-programme surveillance as long as a minimum of 75 % of the financial assistance received from one or several other Member States, the EFSM, the ESM or the EFSF has not been repaid. The Council, on a proposal from the Commission, may extend the duration of the post-programme surveillance in the event of a persistent risk to the financial stability or fiscal sustainability of the Member State concerned. The proposal from the Commission shall be deemed to be adopted by the Council unless the Council decides, by a qualified majority, to reject it within 10 days of the Commission's adoption thereof.

2. On a request from the Commission, a Member State under post-programme surveillance shall comply with the requirements under Article 3(3) of this Regulation and shall provide the information referred to in Article 10(3) of Regulation (EU) No 473/2013.

3. The Commission shall conduct, in liaison with the ECB, regular review missions in the Member State under post-programme surveillance to assess its economic, fiscal and financial situation. Every six months, it shall communicate its assessment to the competent committee of the European Parliament, to the EFC and to the parliament of the Member State concerned and shall assess, in particular, whether corrective measures are needed...

4. The Council, acting on a proposal from the Commission, may recommend to a Member State under post-programme surveillance to adopt corrective measures. The proposal from the Commission shall be deemed to be adopted by the Council unless the Council decides, by a qualified majority, to reject it within 10 days of the Commission's adoption thereof.

Note: you can track my analysis of the 'exit' announcements following the links posted here:

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